
does the black and white one know he doesnt fit on that chair??

This one time I ate a slice of pizza that had fallen behind my tv.

I like calling them Vanilla Isis.


Fairly sure the top row has a probability equation for a particle in a ring, but it’s honestly been a while since I’ve looked at those equations properly.

For anyone wondering, it appears to be gibberish composed of functional analysis, point-set topology, integral transforms (looks like weird versions of fourier and laplace) and what looks like a blatantly incorrect statement about matrix determinants towards the bottom.

I have a giant soft spot in my heart for Bride and Prejudice and can basically watch it anytime anywhere. Everyone I know hates on it cause they’re all legitimate Jane Austen fans but I’m just sitting over here like whatever Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is bae and Bollywood is life.

My big one though that I have zero

Sending to my Marxist sister.

I love you and I don’t event know you!

That is what we need. 20 Internet research nuts and Maury Povich: “Our panel has fact checked your answer on trade deficits and has determined that that was a lie!”

Probably the latter, sadly. I was actually procrastinating wildly, because I have a meeting with a headhunter this week and I need to write some marketing statements about myself, which I fucking HATE. Gawker and Jez are such convenient time wasters!

Burberry Bostoncollege approves.

Is there some Scream Queens naming game, like you put together your favorite female fashion icon and your safety school and that’s your SQ name? Asking for a friend.

Twitter lists the jobs they’re hiring for broken into teams:

Pancake fans are the best people. We rule!

Excellent resource (this is why i shared if that’s ok)

I love when people spout ridiculously misogynistic bullshit with no basis in reality and try to pretend it’s fact. “There’s no sexism here! It’s just that all women everywhere are dumb, shallow, catty bitches who are incapable of acting like real human beings, so of course no one wants to watch movies about them!

Well put. It’s not designed to tell people whether or not individual films are woman-friendly or treats female characters the same way Adam Sandler treats comedy (offensive, stereotypical, boringly predictable, etc.). It’s designed to track a specific trend in movies; specifically how there is a severe lack of female

Baby Birdy is equally obsessed with the guy on the Comcast commercials, Titus Welliver. Any time one of his commercials comes on, she just stares at the TV and the only way to snap her out of it is to get the dog to lick her face.

I’ve made donations to PP in the names of several conservative politicians. John Boehner’s office actually called me, confused, the first time I did it to him. It was pretty awesome.