
My earliest memory is not using it inasmuch as bugging the hell out of my dad to set it up so we could spend all day programming a game for the cassette drive only to play it for 5-10 minutes before we all got too frustrated and angry with each other to carry on.


What we need is for someone to take the concept of Land of the Lost and redo it in a completely serious way with good special effects for the Sleestak. God I still remember the pylons that had the crystals in it that could control the weather. Then to find out the Sleestak had an evolutionary regression to become

Rough concepts for some racing hover crafts for a game. I've since scrapped the lift fan idea since it wont fit with the ships supposed capabilities.

He said heart attacks — not nitrates, aspirin, or beta blockers — are a part of the natural world. "Unfortunately, they mean that some people get sick and some people die," he said. "But the reality is that we can't just fill people with chemicals."

Also the Holodeck seems to glitch out on an almost daily basis.

More a game than a toy, but hopefully it still counts. I loved Dark Tower as a kid, could play it for hours on end solo or with others.

I would play with my Smash-Up Derby set for HOURS. Seriously, what is cooler than smacking groovy fifties cars into each other and blasting pieces off of them? You could shoot 'em over ramps, into each other, into walls, into your other toys, into your sister's Barbie Dream House. I think this spurred my love for

Capsela. Just the best. Unfortunately only available in Japan these days. I had to buy it on ebay for my kids.

No contest. Micronauts. Micronauts were awesome.

I'm going to pay for the whole seat, but I have a feeling that I'll only use the edge.

I'm working on the first draft for a sourcebook about a fantasy city called Brimshire

Making mechs out of legos and coating them in paint is pretty fun...

My latest Unity proof-of-concept, an adventure game about a little ghost girl exploring her spooky afterlife home. I'm trying to maintain a hand-drawn look for everything, while doing all the coding as well- needless to say, it's slow going.

Just in time for the return of Space Oddity to the interwebs (…), itty-bitty shuttlecraft Hadfield! Just the right size to adorn/nerdify my work desk a bit.

Now playing

I guess I should start to release my own short film, even though the music isn't what I had planned. I linked to it elsewhere last week, so some of you may have watched it already.

I am working on a series of Tarot Cards based on Disney Characters because I am that kind of weirdo! Latest one is Ariel as "The Empress" card:

60,000 volts, 400 amps.

We've got a 4 week old baby, so I've been working on surviving and trying to convince my way too industrious wife that it's okay if she can't get anything else done during the day besides taking care of him.