
@grubish1: At least I got through he first half before he called.

Considering the Vet called and told me my seven year old boxer has bone cancer and wont make it another couple days, the Lambo and this dude matter very little. At least I thought of something else for a minute.

@CortIsMyUsername: You have not seen the right race. Go to a talladega race and tell me you dint see an exiting race. There is more passing in one lap of a nascar race than an entire season of F1.

@boomshadow: Sometimes I wish BMW would have bought Hummer, just to create the ultimate douche machine. They could have included the spinners as a standard option.

I was once told that Ann Arbor was a whore.

Drop an ice bomb and a couple mac blasts and the scarab will be done for.

@GV_Goat: No, Common sense has left the building, walked down the sidwalk then got hit by a bus moving at five miles per hour.

Will it blend? Wow!

@subframespacer: Pedovan, I always imagined a Pedobear drove them.

V-22 Osprey, We will take you hummer and raise it 20,000 feet with 30 Marines and all the ordinance you can possibly want to dispose of then drop it all onto the top of a moving semi.

@F1_nothing_else_matters: We joked that we could have stolen a car, completed a lap and would have had points in the F1 series. Of course you dont want to see a big wreck in the brittle, F1 cars. I wanted to see a race and I saw a huge cop-out.

@DancingCorpse: No, I dont watch for crashes. Nascar maybe, but F1 is more about finesse. What really gets to me is the fact that they just needed to slow down and not enter the turn at full speed. The pissed off tens of thousands of fans because they were not willing to make an adjustment. It was as poor of a

Where do I create a facebook group for my government raping me with taxes and not listening to reason or common sense.

Austin = Dell = $

How many pollocks does it take to....