
I think this Dave guy is the dude that put "four wrong sized tires" on my Spyder. When two blew out after 2000 miles, I got the sob story that they didnt have the right size and had to shoehorn some other ones on. Went down the street and had four new tires put on by a tire dealer and guess what, they were the same

they should really remake Mad Max with these kinds of engines.

So, if the aircraft has the right of way, then the WTC was at fault for being in the way?

@arozzi: I thought they swore more, Wouldnt it be closer to God %@&mmit, it $%!&ing crashed!

I saw this today and had to send it over:

@verspasian: That would seem like a good idea until an accident permanently attaches said phone in place of your teeth. I am not saying this is a bad idea, just that I can see Mythbusters testing to see if the phone would actually impale.

@admoseremic: Yopu can call me a troll but I gave a clear argument. I admit Apple makes nice products but I also think sketcher makes nice products. (Iwouldnt buy one that the laces fall off of and I think thats reasonable). Try to get me banned from a gadget website for calling a spade a spade. Get a life man.

@A.Jaswal: You have to admit some similarities. Creating a virus or a worm can be seen as art depending on the person who looks at it. Simple math equations like Einstein's are beautiful when seen by a physicist but are completely meaningless to most of us. Super complex math equations can be viruses, worms or

Now I am terrified to get banned again because of my apphole hatred. Can they add the autoban to appholes? There is just something about irrational gadget love that irritates me to no end. I retunred to Giz simply because I figured the articles would be less pro communism (read apple) since the iPhone 4 "incident".

@Big-Tool: There is also a Lancaster, Ohio. A friend from 'Bama always pronounced it as Landcaster I couldn't figure out why until he said, lets go to the theeater.

@Deal Killer: I found it just recently on Netflix and it has some of the best comedy I have seen in years. Well worth it to check it out. Dont give up after three episodes like my wife did.

@Optixtruf: I found it just recently on Netflix and it has some of the best comedy I have seen in years. Well worth it to check it out. Dont give up after three episodes like my wife did.


88 Nissan Pulsar. Spent more time in the shop than on the road. Blew through head gaskets faster than oil changes and blew through transmissions faster than that.

@btrotta: We should really hang out...

@die_shinzo: Wow, Somebody peed in your che