This dog did a better job that the Nissan GTR/ Honda hybird parking from the other day. Probably did less damage.
This would be the perfect Pinks car. Loose on purpose. (;
I am hoping that I go an a speedway at triple digits speeds.
@McKeystone: THAT WAS YOU?
They could really nix the entire document and say :"excessive braking causes U.S. Drones to think you are a terrorist."
Rule #4 ftw.
@ryan.f.cunningham: It'l buff out. Take a little of the Indian magic joo joo and everything will at least seem better.
@TheCroatianGuy: Fixed it for you
@TheCroatianGuy: There needs to be an "Oh Shit" face on the passenger to make it right.
Quick, Someone drop a piano on it after giving it to James May.