
I know this is terrible but I actually want an Aztek. I dont care how the vehicle looks if it delivers on what I want. I have a convertible to drive in the summer and want something big to haul my dogs and crap to my parents when we want to get out of town. The Aztek fits all of my needs and is a lot cheaper

@wkiernan: Ah, my 84 Trecel. Chick magnet-of-a-car with a sub rattling the trunk loose.

@jetRink: I was told that "Global warming" was wrong to think of "Global Climate change". I asked that person if they had ever heard of something called the "Ice Age". We are in a constant state of climate change.... ITS CALLED WEATHER!!!!!

@mannondale: So that slippery slope should cost me my job. I am not rich, not affluent but I support those highly trained pilots that fly these jets.

@benmlee: So why not do away with all luxuries? Why dont you move to Russia? If you dont believe people should be able to earn more than you, you are a communist.

@powermatic: Distribute everyone wealth so there is no reason to work hard. Why be a CEO if you get no benefits over the person who punches the rivets.

Careful, Some of your readers may work for private jets companies. Private aviation is the ONE business that the united states beats the crap out of everyone with. We wont for long if we look at success as damning. Many more will loose their incomes and I will be looking for work too.

@layabout: She should be happy, that toy will hold it's value better.

@Møbius: Get used to it. I dont think anything is gonna change.

@F_munk: Of course not, maybe they need to take the turn slower and not win, there is a give and take and they gave nothing. It was very sad. I am not really a nascar "fan" I catch some races and it "can" be entertaining. In one typical nascar lap, there could be more passes than an entire F1 season.

@Jones Foyer: Bailing on events in the US does not endear them to a better reputation. I paid good money to see a race and 14 drivers decided right before the start of the race that it was too "dangerous".

@AmishJohn: This is a great observation. F1 pit crews race out of the pits stalls to complete stops in a way that no one else knows when they are coming in. There is a little more "Race" to it but it is not entertaining.

I would like F1 if the only race I ever went to wasnt a disaster where all but six cars pulled out after the parade lap. I dont care what it takes, when you have 200,000 fans attending an event you have an obligation to put on a show. I proudly wore my nascar hat and used my binocs to look at the hot brazilian

@royeraf3: I love the bottom of the page where I quote

@jvegnone001: The answer, before you finished your comment, there were orders placed.

@Møbius: You mean a design like this?

That has to be the best looking new Camaro I have seen.