
DA2 is definitely better than it’s reputation makes out to be. It was rightly panned for being rushed but if you can find a way to get over the rushed elements like the repeated dungeons, the story, like you say, is pretty good. It’s genuinely refreshing to have a game like this revolve around a city rather than world

Just wanting to add to that DA2 praise there as I replayed DAO and DA2 last year. When I started DA2, I was a bit worried as it is one of my favorite games of all times, but I knew that it would be possible that returning to it years later would cause me to look at it with different eyes. Yet I found it actually even

Play as force mage. The most fun in this game (IMHO).

Health bars? Naw rag-doll them until they become loot piles.

Someone didn’t play as a dual-wielding dex warrior or rogue.

I don’t know. Hitting enemies that seem to just be damage sponges is not most engaging gameplay. And that is what it felt like late in DA:I.

Agree with you on a lot of this, but... best story of the games?

also it does not stick any landing because even with Trespasser, as you said, it’s a huge fucking cliffhanger for a game that might not even materialize in any meaningful way. I have beaten the game 3 times as well and I love it, warts and all. I would only suggest it as a first to someone if the gameplay of Origins

Stopping the military from being on a singular service is too big of a concept for you? No wonder the democratic party gave us jack over the past 30 years except a giveaway to insurance companies and private industry.

The way I see it: If your old enough to Vote (potentially affecting the lives of many others), your old enough to be recruited. You apparently have all the decision making skills you need.

I am VERY pro moving voting/drinking/military/smoking/etc ages to 21. I was not a capable decision maker at 18, and I don’t think

I really like AOC, and I hope I’m wrong, but I think she’s never going to make much progress unless she turns down the pie in the sky aspirations and starts working in smaller steps.

why does the democratic party even exist, goddamn

yea, we (America) really don’t deserve AOC.


I know I can’t give you guys too much flack since I live in what is basically now an anti-science theocratic conservative dystopia (a.k.a. Brazil), but damn, AOC is a treasure and you should back her up as much as possible. Also, stop voting for all of those congressists, including the democrats. Making a black list

I have not heard the English language voice track, but the Japanese language one is good. The voice actors do a good job. Yuna and Kenji, in particular, are quite enjoyable in Japanese.

Honestly, I think this is one reason why he’s really be into the game — Nagoshi’s games are filled with (famous) people with interesting faces so when he sees a game filled with non-famous interesting faces, he’s probably intrigued.

“All this money and development time is being spent on this middle-aged dude.”He applauded the resolve to entrust things in such a character. From what Nagoshi said, it doesn’t seem like that would be possible in Japan. Perhaps he thinks game companies would prefer a younger protagonist, which is certainly more

This game is such a love letter to Kurosawa, and it’s great to see Japanese fans and critics really embracing the game. Funnily enough, Kurosawa spent his entire career being criticized for being too “Western” - and then Ghost of Tsushima becomes a critical darling in Japan. :P 

The first bit of Cyberpunk news I’m actually excited about.

Except it’s not a new game?
It’s not FFVII the new story. It’s FFVII the same story with more bits to it and shiny new engine and mechanics.

Also, It’s a bit too soon to even judge on quality. Sure, I’m enticed as is everyone else by what is shown, but the same shit was said of FF13 years ago. No one is saying that 60