Why would they not mention that he’s a bigot with ties to white supremacy? It’s the main reason he’s so popular
Why would they not mention that he’s a bigot with ties to white supremacy? It’s the main reason he’s so popular
It’s baffling that people are that easily manipulated.
I keep hearing this, and I’m still convinced it’s a myth.
I think white supremacy also got a boost thanks to him.
Then go the fuck somewhere else.
Excellent review. Told me all I need to know and wanted to know about the game without spoiling a single thing.
Yeah, I figured it would. The folks on the Giant Bomb east crew seemed pretty down on it over all. I think those that bothered to finish it settled on “it’s worth experiencing, but I cannot recommend it without a ton of caveats.”
The love-it-or-hate it reviews I'm seeing are to be expected, I suppose, tho I trust Heather's judgment more than most. I suppose I'm wondering how many people there really are on these servers pre release, vs "players" that are really just help planted by the developers.
Heather, this is my favourite review of yours in a while out of consistently great articles; it’s wonderful and insightful. Tim, I’m only twenty-odd minutes into the hour, but it’s typically playfully elegant and soothing to listen to.
Yeah, Tim saw some of my stuff. Chris (Person) did too. Tim didn’t really build as much as I did though, so I didn’t catch many of his things. I made a real point of it: a bridge outside of the first city, a silly message near a plot-ruined bike, the aforementioned ziplines.
As I understand it, the game sort of culls…
God, this review is amazing. Thanks Heather (and also Tim for the video). Curious though, did you ever encounter Tim’s creations on your server or vice versa?
wild that the first good video game ever made also generated the best game review i’ve ever read
Look, I am 100% for people (re)discovering their faith. But when I listened to this album it really confirmed for me what I’ve suspected for a while now regarding Ye’s own “born again” path. It’s the path that people at their lowest find, and it fills them with so much euphoria that they just go headfirst in, not even…
I wonder how Kanye feels about being the “black friend” to radical conservatives.
I like how racists always predict an attack from liberals, it’s like they bank on it. Literally.
I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:
“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.
I got plenty of issues with the Epic Games store but man that is not the fucking point here. An indie developer was utterly and viciously harassed over the weekend for no good reason and all you can say is how people don’t get why you hate EGS? Fucking hell, dude. Get some god damned perspective and GROW THE FUCK UP!…
Do you consider the things that this article describes happening to be “legitimate criticism”?
I said everything I needed or wanted to say about the entitlement that informs EGS rage (and no, I’m not an EGS fan—but come the fuck on) in the previous story on Ooblets.
The only thing I feel a need to add at this point is: if a person’s argument in defense of issuing death threats/sexist epithets/mocked-up photos…
Dude.... This article wasn’t even about Epic man. It was about the indie studio and how they have been harassed to no end for simply doing the smart choice of taking an exclusivity deal that’s beneficial for them. It’s easy to talk about integrity and not selling out, but making games is fucking hard man.