
Isn’t Dragon Quest Builders coming out in October 2016? I thought I read that somewhere. If so that’s terrible because I want to play all of them.

The whole match was honestly just a practice game for Messi. He defies logic but where was the U.S. team’s sense of urgency? lol to be fair Argentina has shat on a fairly good chunk of the teams during this cup. No need to feel special U.S.

Go Geguri! I admit I suck so much at this game but I don’t play that much, maybe a match or two a week yet my 11 y/o niece is a boss. Like she has this shit down. Her D.Va skills put me to shame~ Some girls just have them skills.

Like I said above no one wins right now until Bethesda and modders come to some sort of agreement though at least I’m glad there are some mods available for consoles. I still stand by what I said in previous comments. It’s too risky to generalize every modder but there still this overall feeling I’m getting from

I liked it. I don’t care. I read the reviews and was expecting the worst but as a WoW player I had to support and wasn’t disappointed even with my limited lore knowledge. It was entertaining to watch and I think that’s what matters even if we can agree it was far from perfect.

lol yes they could do so many great things like that or even. “Well we need at least one token female superhero”, etc~

Ok I really wanted to know this! It should matter in terms of story that you’re a little girl playing with a bunch of little boys specially in South Park and I’m excited we can get to play as one. It’s gonna be either really funny or really awful funny. Either way I’m excited yo~ I’m glad they’re addressing that!

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. It’s the equivalent on me working on some fanart or something and then seeing my artwork re-uploaded/used by other people with no context or credit. I get it. It fucking sucks BUT I also understand that when I put it on the internet, I have little to no control. Are you

Don’t duck! I’m liking it so far but it’s been slow progress. Waiting for the new workshop DLC~

Yeah I’m not saying all modders are like that but subconsciously there is this lingering argument that console users don’t deserve mods, that we need to upgrade to a better PC and then join the group. You don’t get a choice. It gets really annoying fast but at the end of the day it’s their choice.

Either way it sounds the console players are still not getting a good deal here. I get both arguments, I play on PC and use mods depending on the game and if my computer can handle it but I prefer playing these types of games on console. I agree Bethesda needs a much better system to protect modders but modders are

I’m not a dad or a son but man if this trailer was fucking amazing. Gave me all the feels I didn’t know I wanted from God of War. Also I declared war on my dad today with water balloons. Yeah we take that shit serious~!

Fallout 4: Far Harbor, Overwatch and The Sims 4. Also watching all the Legend of Zelda news from E3 makes me want to go back and play some other Zelda titles from the Wii U Virtual Console so there’s that~

This is news to me. I didn’t know there was “girl nerd” or “girl techie” uniform out there. Gotcha! I’ll look out for that for my next job interview.

I think it was mostly because they didn’t feel comfortable with a gaming event. They either don’t play Battlefield or don’t care for video games. I know some of the celebrities there do play games like Snoop and Wiz and they seemed comfortable. Then again that might have been the blunt. lol

LMAO I’m only 28 but I’m starting to feel my age. I used to look forward to E3 not get the whole damn thing leaked a week before but this is the new standard. /Kanye shrug

Honestly when I first saw the trailer I thought it looked boring and generic but after watching the demo at E3, (was it Playstation who revealed it?). Anyway I didn’t immediately identify it with Call of Duty but what I saw seemed pretty cool. All the flying and shooting in space. That was a pretty attractive cockpit.

I was curious to read Kotaku’s perspective and I understand what you and Jason mean but something things get ridiculously out of control lately and I feel is this obsession about leaks. Nothing is a surprise anymore and that is part of the changes in our media and industry.

This comment needs to be at the top. You add a lot of context. I am not in the least bit surprised by Jackie Chan because he’s not wrong but there is more to this that some nationalist sentiment. A lot of Hollywood’s questionable decisions comes in response to the Chinese market.

Of course. You are asking all the important questions!