
Yeah it’s kind of tough to decide for one tech right now. I’ve heard good things about the Vive but will it have enough support in the long run? I would imagine Sony would at least support their own tech but then look what happened to the poor Vita.

Oh really? I didn’t know that. So overall to have the PS VR experience this is definitely going to cost a lot more than $400. That’s really expensive wow

Yeah but didn’t Bethesda announce the F4 VR was coming soon? I don’t remember if they put a time stamp on it. If VR truly takes off, I see cross-platforming becoming more of a thing but as things stand now, I don’t know much about the tech to decide what the best investment is. I definitely want to own one though.

You read my mind.

I will admit I clapped just for the naked shots of Norman. For shame. Still this trailer told me nothing. Leave it to Kojima to make it cryptic and dramatic as fuck.

So is that the price for just the headset? Hmmm......I might dish out the money for that amount. I wonder how it compares to the other VR stuff out there. I want to play Fallout 4 in VR so it’s either this or HTC was it?

I hope you are not referring to my original question. I don’t want “company approved news” only, that is far from why I come to Kotaku for gaming news. Also see my comment below. I feel like sometimes leaks makes everyone jump to conclusions and get worked up for no reason. I get you are a journalist and you are just

Thank you for expanding upon that. I always found it curious about you guys and leaks and I didn’t mean it to sound as if you guys leak anything, I understand the distinction. I personally don’t care but sometimes I feel there is no purpose to leaks other than speculation and people immediately jumping to conclusions

I didn’t hate it but I didn’t care for it either. I doubt this is for me. I’d rather collect the physical cards to play the game rather than another “Hearthstone”.

Well I’ll probably play this first on the PS4 than the Mac. Otherwise, I’m glad the game is expanding.

Ok, I’m curious now. Why leak things early? I get you’re a journalist but why is one thing ok and not the other.

I like this. I will wait for the more powerful Xbox console next year. Buying the Xbox One S will only last for a year right?

Yep you people. Not gonna deal with your shitty opinion today. Goodbye!

The only thing I can say, playing with 63 people at the same time during the battle was AMAZING. This game was the highlight for me at EAPlay. It was very fun to play and I am a very unskilled Battlefield player but I managed my way around. Assault and Medic are really cool. The graphics were freaking gorgeous though

Played it at EAPlay on Sunday night. I haven’t followed this series much but I found it a lot more fun to play than the first one. Titan fights are really intense! However I don’t know what major changes they have made.

Ayyyyy that was the most entitled shitfest I’ve read this morning. How about the hundreds of games where we have to play as the WHITE GENERIC DUDE all the time. Yet forcing you to play as a black guy with a British accent is going to break your immersion. Didn’t see me complaining I had to play as Geralt in the

Why are people not excited about this? I get PC players have been playing the modded game for a while now but I thought this was one of the most exciting news out of BE3. There wasn’t much besides their Skyrim/Fallout 4 stuff really. Hard to top last year’s.

I just came back from watching it! I liked it too, it wasn’t perfect at all but I enjoyed it very much. My sisters, who have never played any of the games, most likely would not have like it. Even I with a light lore background from playing the game a handful of times, could appreciate the movie and scenery straight

Jason you have gotten me into a lot JRPGs. The love is mutual!

This was my biggest concern. I read Kotaku every day for lunch and after work. It’s a ritual and I really enjoy your reporting. I will follow wherever that may lead. Here’s to the new owners leaving you guys alone and letting you do the amazing work you always do.