
That's like saying feminism should just stop having castration-loving, man-hating "fem nazis." Like telling Islam to stop having terrorists. Like telling Christians to stop having the Westboro Baptist Church. Like telling atheists to stop having a Richard Dawkins with access to Twitter or that annoying guy who has

See, the problem with that is that you just generalized everyone in that demographic as being "misogynistic asshats." You can turn that thought around to saying really racist, sexist, and/or stereotypical things like "maybe if so many self-identified Muslims stopped being terrorists, they wouldn't keep being described

How do you know you know better? First of all you're assuming a lot of things about a lot of people, so you can't actually know those things. Secondly, how do you know you know better than journalists who've done more research than you? My guess is that you only read Kotaku, and you only listen to kotaku, so of

More like if you don't want to be lumped in with terrorists, don't associate with Islam. On account of the fact that a minority of the people who use the Gamergate hashtag are misogynists, not the entire fucking group as in your KKK example.

I disagree at the most core level that anyone sane wants her to kill herself. I belong to a community of GGer's who honestly don't care that zoe quinn did what she did aside from the fact she's an outed abuser. They certainly aren't wishing death on anyone, but posts like yours demand that they must be doing so.

You know ONE view. If you think that's enough to have a full understanding of someone, you're off of it.

Both sides fucking suck. One side for constantly portraying gamers as misogynistic asshats, and the other for feeding into this label by having a bunch of turds doing exactly what the press is chastising gamers for. You done fucked it up.

So we can never take it back? we can never feel what we feel, only what public opinion is?

No. We should deal with them and make it known their bad people. We should target the individuals. Not the larger group.

And what happens when these toxic assholes jump hashtags? Oh, that's right, you kick the can down the road and tell me "If you really cared about these issues you'd find another voice to do it with" until we're all 80.

Because people are being told what their opinions are and aren't being able to speak for themselves.

No, that's not really what that is. You're claiming to know my views, you don't.

Well, when you attack the press and the press control the press all the news you see will be about how the people attacking the press are the scum of the earth.

what is at odds with what you wrote is that there are plenty of people saying that gamergate is full of violent women haters and nothing but. This isn't true.

"What in the actual fuck is wrong with the rest of you?"

I hope they catch the fucker. It looks like the EXACT SAME person targeted a GamerGate female a few weeks ago, as well. I'd post the screenshot, but don't want to upset people, tbh.

I would love to, but if I did I would get banned from the site for sharing a dissenting opinion. I would love to point out how Grayson tried to place TotalBiscuit under the same banner of the promotional deal when he was the one who blew the whistle on the whole thing. I would love to tell you how TotalBiscuit and

Again. The YouTubers thing is getting *major media coverage*. Nothing about gaming journalism is. YouTubers themselves are coming out about this and saying they don't like it. And frankly, you're making a bunch of blanket statements like "no one believes in no one anymore" that have no evidence to support them. Most