
Except explaining how two things are different isn't the same as saying one thing is more worthy than another. I guess we are going to agree to disagree

"pro gamers"? What in the hell are you blathering about?

Your original "point" was that #GamerGate wasn't addressing this, and I pointed out two GamerGaters that talked about this DAYS AGO.

By the way, dear - YouTube personalities =/= journalists. They aren't held to a universal standard of professional ethics outside

You do know that pro-GamerGaters like Boogie and Totalbiscuit were the first to talk about this, right?

You have the Tubers themselves telling you that they are not journalist but personalities or entertainers. You are reading articles telling you why they shouldn't be called one, it's obvious that they aren't journalist. If they aren't journalist then they aren't held to the same standards as journalist. To continue to

Even the opinions and reviews are suspect because they have to agree to certain guidelines. They don't report news, they just parrot what is said to them. They even go out of their way to tell everyone within earshot that they aren't journalist. And they are right, they aren't

The problem is that she keeps getting brought up despite her not being the major issue here. She was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. This whole shitstorm has moved far beyond Quinn having sex with people, it's about the rampant corruption in the gaming journalism industry, and has been for quite some

There is no "next step" in journalism. They are not journalist so they aren't being held to the same standard as journalist.

Lots of people have influence over the masses for a ton of different reasons and they not all beholden to the same ethical standards. That much is common sense. This is less about ethics and more about a lack of understanding. People not understanding how a particular Youtuber views themselves or how their own

Do my eyes deceive me or is Nathan Grayson writing an article about ethics

pretty sure the woman you mentioned has faded into obscurity at this point except for the few times she tries to say something extremely aggressive to try and convince everyone she's the important one

No one is saying that the gaming press needs to be torn down. We're saying the ethics policies of gaming journalism need to be revamped and people who have relationships with anyone they might wind up reporting on should recuse themselves should the situation arise. We're saying that articles about ideology should be

Except #Gamergate hasn't been about ZQ for literally a month or more, no matter how much she tries to find reasons to bring herself back into the spotlight.

Not exactly #Gamergate material. It's being covered by all major gaming media sites. The YouTubers themselves are admitting to it.

It's not like collusion in gaming journalism, or agenda pushing, or giving a game a lower score because you kiss your wife in a tutorial to show you how to stealth kill later. All of that

Nathan Grayson writting about ETHICS? Really? Oh, this is delicious.

Youtubers are personalities, not journalist.

Honestly, she used DMCA takedowns to remove videos critical to her. She's scum, and she lost every last ounce of sympathy she had from me (which up until then was quite a bit) over it. People who abuse the system to silence critics like that deserve every bit of hell that comes down in their lives.

Nathan Grayson writing an article about shenanigans in video game coverage. Irony.

The irony of Nathan Grayson writing an article about ethics in videogame journalism is not lost on me! Good joke!

Wow... You talking about ethics... priceless