I must have missed the part in the Bible where it said "Jesus died so that you don't have to make cakes for homos"
I must have missed the part in the Bible where it said "Jesus died so that you don't have to make cakes for homos"
I've seen videos by that Moronstein douche. He looks like the result of an unholy union between Kevin James and Fred Durst, and is 100x more annoying and douchy than both those men combined.
He obviously does not know the difference between refusing to make a cake with a hate message on it and refusing to make a cake…
Exactly. He never did a single Nintendo review before their YouTube policy began. Not a single review of a Wii, WiiU, or 3DS title, just games for the 360 and PC (and recently a few PS4 exclusives after he got one). Angry Joe is full of shit and milking this for clicks. He knew Nintendo’s policy, and still tried to…
HAHAHAHAHA! This is like a person with a nut allergy swearing off peanut butter.
He barely covered anything by Nintendo anyway. Up until he got a PS4 in November 2013, AJ only covered games on the 360 and on PC. No Wii reviews, no 3DS reviews.
The site’s back up, but no new Amiibos.
Go to hell, GameStop.
I kept checking out the site from 2:59 est until it shut down around 3:45 est, and the damn figure never showed up. GameStop had days to get this crap sorted out before today.
Home had a lot of potential that was wasted. Shortly after it launched, there was a huge scavenger hunt called “Xi” that took place in Home and in real life. It got a lot of people involved in Home, and built a great sense of community. Unfortunately, it went out with a whimper. It was built up to be this big exciting…
Fast forward to the next time I'm working with Boss. He tells me that his friends spoke very highly of me, and he thanks me for taking such good care of them. Then, nonchalant as fuck, he says to me "I hear [redacted French Dude] gave you a nice tip, eh?" and my eyes widen in horror, thinking he's about to accuse me…
Basically, if you want to get several different IP holders to agree to something like this, just point to Roger Rabbit, The LEGO Movie, and Wreck It Ralph, and say, "You will make a fuck-ton of money".
Revolutionary Girl Utena says hi.
@Daniel Blake's story: I'm amazed a whole restaurant staff could be so fucking stupid. Considering that a nut allergy can KILL someone, you'd think they'd write this fucking important information down. How many times can you say "HIS ALLERGY IS NOT GLUTEN - IT'S NUTS AND DAIRY, DUMBASSES!" to someone before their tiny…
The "Cunt Punt" E-Mail 2: Fraternity Boogaloo
OMG. I need to change my underwear, because I am sopping wet.
I actually had most of the Gen 1 versions of these figures as a kid (which were then given away to my cousins, goddammit), but these updates surpass the originals in design, size, and complexity. My wallet is going to hurt so much, but these TFs are so fresh…
They're saving that storyline for T4ken.
The "no gluten/no carcass in my hot dog" chick needs to be shoved into a meat grinder, made into a hot dog, and served on the most glutinous hit dog bun on the market.
No Milk Trays, Turkish Delights, or Jammie Dodgers? TOTAL LIST FAIL.
UGH. That site blows homeless goats. I replayed the Ezio trilogy just to get to level 17 on the site, only for UbiSoft to renovate it and start me over at level 1. I wasn't until early December that the kinks were getting worked out of the site, but I was only listed as level 11, and it didn't acknowledge the 100% I…
(My apologies to Joni Mitchell)