Dude, you're doing it wrong.
You need to STOP buying their games. Once their games stop selling, they'll lose money. And when that happens, guess what game that magically prints money will suddenly show up?
Dude, you're doing it wrong.
You need to STOP buying their games. Once their games stop selling, they'll lose money. And when that happens, guess what game that magically prints money will suddenly show up?
Here you go:
Here you go:
Liana K, a woman who has criticized GamerGate, showing that GamerGate helped to report Anita's harassers:
"pro gamers"? What in the hell are you blathering about?
Your original "point" was that #GamerGate wasn't addressing this, and I pointed out two GamerGaters that talked about this DAYS AGO.
By the way, dear - YouTube personalities =/= journalists. They aren't held to a universal standard of professional ethics outside…
Yeah, I just discovered that a few years ago. To think that we Americans were getting all excited to play SMB 2, while the Japanese had already moved on to SMB 3. And when SMB 3 dropped in America, SMW was just around the corner in Japan.
Then again, the Japanese have been ahead of the curve for a while. By the time…
On the plus side, if she ever catches her son making out with a guy, he can just say that he's doing it to sell records!
Seriously? The whole team is a group of Bishies? It's no big deal to have a Bishie character in a FF game (it's practically a law now), but the WHOLE DAMN TEAM?
Is this an actual FF game, or a yaoi dating sim? Maybe it's a demo for "Asian Boy Band: The Video Game"
I really don't like that the start and select buttons were moved from the bottom of the second screen to below the ABXY buttons, since I have big hands and will most likely end up pressing start/select accidentally a LOT. They should have stayed where they were, and used the space better by placing the ABXY buttons a…
Exactly. 2 was so hair-pullingly bad (especially compared to the awesomeness of 1), that I lost all interest in the series and skipped 3.
I would slap a baby to get remake of Legend of Legaia. I loved the game back in 2000, but damn, those graphics have NOT aged well. Maybe tweak the combat a little to make it a little less repetitive and tedious, and I would stand in line at midnight to buy it.
1000% THIS. I loved XS1, but then I played XS2, and it felt like the developers said, "The first game was too awesome. Let's toss out everything good about it and replace it with shit". I didn't even bother to finIsh XS2 or even pick up XS3.
"questioning the reliability of evidence 'obtained outside of law enforcement.'"
Seriously? Like you thought the elevator surveillance video was going to be doctored or something? "You see, Ray wasn't really punching the shit out of her, he was actually showing her his shadow puppet skills and she fainted from the…
Why people try to bullshit the public anymore? Didn't Goodell think there are ways to track and verify when the video was sent, or even requested by the NFL?
Shit, when part of the video showing Rice dragging his unconscious fiancee outside of the elevator first popped up months ago, why did the NFL not request footage…
The only way this could have been cooler is if they had thrown their voices at each other, so that Troy voice comes from Nolan, and Nolan's voice comes from Troy. Then the universe collapses upon itself.
It took a few tries, but I was able to finally get the thing to check my account instead of giving me the "bad gateway" page. It seems I got lucky because it says I'm in the clear.
I think "3DXS" has a snappy ring to it.
And haggis.
But JK should have had Dumbledore yell out, "I'M GAY!" in every other sentence, just like all the others characters yelled out "I'M STRAIGHT!" in every other sentence!
It punches you in the uterus?