
She even more insufferable, if such a thing was possible. She made a film where some woman gets turned on by a kid IMing her about shitting into her ass and then shitting it back into his ass, back and forth forever. And critics ate it up like manna from heaven. UGH.

It's funny how she's "only a 6" and "not that hot", and yet he's exerting all this effort to get her attention. Even Tantalus didn't have a thirst that bad.

It happens to us gay guys too. Some guy with no picture and no info in their profile will start begging me to show him nude photos or go on cam for him, and when I say no, they get nasty and say they didn't want to see my ugly pictures anyway. Petulant man-children are not exclusive to straight dating sites.

If he asks you if you like Phil Collins, you better say yes if you value your life. And don't stare at Sabrina's ass - EAT IT!

"OMG, you made 32K before June? Hold on while I take a cab to your place so I can suck your dick!", said no woman ever.

Not sure, but I think they both occur after the Airing of Grievances.

I don't. A lot of holidays would be improved if more fucking was involved. I mean, a Fourth of July with Fireworks AND anal? AWESOME! Easter eggs hunts AND blowjobs? SIGN ME UP!

Dear Kristen -

Addendum on the allergies thing:

I just finished Edgeworth's game today, and it was a great ride. Totally recommend it.

Why is Prof Layton not a fighter in SSMB 4? WHY?

That thing that lives on Donald Trump's head has finally reached the adult stage and found a new host to implant its eggs.

Bro, do you even bro, bro?

I'm so hoping that RE 2 and 0 get the Remaster treatment next.

SBTB actually started out as a show on the Disney Channel. It was called "Good Morning Miss Bliss" and starred Hayley Mills (the girl from the original Parent Trap) as Miss Bliss. Zack, Screech, and Lisa were part of the original cast, along with two other kids that were dropped when the show flopped and got rebooted

Dustin would take it up the ass from James Deen for the right price.

I'm sure Katie Holmes would do voice and mo-cap for the game if the money is right.

ATTENTION Kotaku members: gaygamer2009 is obviously trolling - specifically, he's trolling by pretending to be a strawman of Zoe Quinn and her defenders. I understand that you're trying to show people how you feel Quinn and her supporters are coming across, but you're only muddying the waters and making yourself look

Even though this smells like an obvious troll, i'll use this opportunity to educate people.

Thanks. I'm just glad my post isn't languishing in the greys. 8^)