
No Milk Trays, Turkish Delights, or Jammie Dodgers? TOTAL LIST FAIL.

UGH. That site blows homeless goats. I replayed the Ezio trilogy just to get to level 17 on the site, only for UbiSoft to renovate it and start me over at level 1. I wasn't until early December that the kinks were getting worked out of the site, but I was only listed as level 11, and it didn't acknowledge the 100% I

Or Big Hero 6?

Where the fuck is X-Men: Days of Future Past?

(My apologies to Joni Mitchell)

Dude, you're doing it wrong.

You need to STOP buying their games. Once their games stop selling, they'll lose money. And when that happens, guess what game that magically prints money will suddenly show up?

The dude in the glasses played Cousin Oliver in The Brady Bunch.

I'm shocked that Turbo Teen did not make this list.

Here you go:

Here you go:

Liana K, a woman who has criticized GamerGate, showing that GamerGate helped to report Anita's harassers:

"pro gamers"? What in the hell are you blathering about?

Your original "point" was that #GamerGate wasn't addressing this, and I pointed out two GamerGaters that talked about this DAYS AGO.

By the way, dear - YouTube personalities =/= journalists. They aren't held to a universal standard of professional ethics outside

You do know that pro-GamerGaters like Boogie and Totalbiscuit were the first to talk about this, right?

Yeah, I just discovered that a few years ago. To think that we Americans were getting all excited to play SMB 2, while the Japanese had already moved on to SMB 3. And when SMB 3 dropped in America, SMW was just around the corner in Japan.

Then again, the Japanese have been ahead of the curve for a while. By the time

Good. Sylar started out as a great character, but then they kept on flip flopping him between bad and good, and then futzing around with his powerset. It's best to just let him go and use a completely new villain.

Plus I'm guessing that Quinto's asking price has quite a few more zeros at the end than it did in 2006.

On the plus side, if she ever catches her son making out with a guy, he can just say that he's doing it to sell records!

Seriously? The whole team is a group of Bishies? It's no big deal to have a Bishie character in a FF game (it's practically a law now), but the WHOLE DAMN TEAM?

Is this an actual FF game, or a yaoi dating sim? Maybe it's a demo for "Asian Boy Band: The Video Game"

I really don't like that the start and select buttons were moved from the bottom of the second screen to below the ABXY buttons, since I have big hands and will most likely end up pressing start/select accidentally a LOT. They should have stayed where they were, and used the space better by placing the ABXY buttons a

Actually, it was "A Thousand Days", extending the time limit to about 3 years so that the cast wouldn't have to be replaced too frequently.

Angela Bassett played her in the Green Lantern movie a few years back. There's a new actress playing Waller in Arrow as well (I forget her name - I'm better at remembering faces than names), and she's pretty kick-ass.

I still think CCH Pounder is the best Waller, and if they put the character in the upcoming Batman Vs

I first picked up Power Company because Firestorm was joining the team, and even though Ronnie lasted as long as an open jar of mayonnaise in August, I stuck around for Skyrocket. Even when her flight harness was busted in a battle with Dr. Polaris and his gang, she still took charge of the team and helped rescue