
If a massive bouquet of roses and a CD of Robin Thicke begging his wife to forgive him for being a shameless man-whore doesn't convince your girlfriend to take you back, nothing will!

Elbow pasta is fine, but I prefer either bowtie or that hollow corkscrew shaped pasta with the ridges on the outside (can't recall the name right now). I love the texture they add and they can hold the sauce very well.

If you really want to punish your kids, give them a Lynx or a Nomad without a power pack or recharge cord. They'll be begging for death before the end of the day.

And I think these kids need a good smack upside the head.

Jesus, this is just so sad and pathetic. A year ago, he was proudly trotting around with topless chicks and bragging about his dick size in a music video, and now he's practically on his knees begging his soon-to-be ex-wife to forgive his skanky behaviour and take him back.

I mean, why did we need a statutory rape discussion?

HotCarDad69: "Hey baby, whatcha doin'?"

It's like a classier version of "U MAD?"

Then again, this looks like some shit that Paris Hilton would have posted online if Snapchat was around back then.


That wasn't as bad as I expected it to turn out. I was guessing that he spent the whole 25 minutes sticking your tampons up his butt or wiping his dick on your toothbrush, towels, and soap bars.

I really wanted to love DC, but I hated how your weapons would breakdown after only a few uses, and your water meter would deplete so quickly (Dude must have been super thirsty). I still managed to make myself beat both DC and DC 2, but I didn't enjoy them as much as I did Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, or Terranigma.

It's a damn shame the sequel tossed out the world building and focused on making it 100% side-scrolling hack-n-slash. One of the worst ideas in the history of video games.

I remember first reading about SB in Nintendo Power and thinking, "I HAVE to play that game". A few weeks later, I rented it from Blockbuster and played the hell out of it all weekend. I was not disappointed.

Hangovers hit hard because of dehydration. Drink Gatorade between shots, and drink some more during the morning after. It won't prevent or stop a hangover, but it'll hurt a whole lot less.

Darn. I was so looking forward to another over-hyped under-whelming God Of War rip-off.

It's pretty obvious that the reason Ubisoft did this is because the hidden code female, making it much more difficult for the PC to use.

Shea: "So, honey, how was the Power Glove sex?"

YAAAASSSSS. Lufia II was a classic that doesn't get enough love and attention nowadays (same goes for next week's game, Soul Blazer). The puzzles, battle system, story, characters, graphics, and controls were all amazing. Too bad the series has fallen by the wayside except for a handheld game released sporadically.

I've been on the beta for PSNow (both on the PS3 and PS4, which each have a different set of games available), and another thing that sucks about it is if there's no activity for more than a few minutes, the stream cuts off. So if you have to go take a dump or you're away from the game for a while, don't expect to