
If he's not, feel free to explain why, because i'd like to hear that.

*Delson from inFamous Second Son stares at quiddity intensely*

Delsin from inFamous: Second Son is Native American (Akomish tribe), not white.

There's a remastered version of Flashback on PSN that includes the classic game as a bonus.

I'm gay, disabled, 1/2 Mexican, 1/2 Native and an atheist. I'm also an avid gamer who's been playing video games for almost 30 years. And you know what? I'm not crying "RACISM/HOMOPHOBIA/SEXISM/WHATEVER" because there aren't many gay, disabled, Mexican, Native American, or atheist video game characters.

Would I like

I used a Bad Reaction To Simochi in tandem with Snatch Steal. That would result in me controlling one of their fatties on the field, AND giving them 1000 points of damage per turn, since Simochi turns an enemy's life gain into burn damage.

No, pt's because they can't get a cut of ad revenue from players streaming on Twitch, like they did with "Let's Play" videos on YouTube.

I'm surprised that Anita Sarkeesian hasn't glommed into to this yet. I'd imagine the $6000,000 she suckered out of people is running out, and this is a great opportunity to shake up her fan base into throwing more money at her.

Mary Reed was a cross dresser, not Transgender. She didn't identify as a man - she originally did it because her mother needed to trick her family in thinking Mary was a boy to get inheritance money, and then Mary kept up the charade because it made it a lot easier to break into the pirate business (women were

Oh god, I love Burn decks. Even though I prefer Green Aggro Beatdown in MTG, I absolutely love tearing down an opponent without doing a single point of attack damage. I loved trying different variations, like special summoning Lava Golem on their side of field, then using Nightmare Wheel to keep it from attacking

I used to be hardcore into YuGiOh until about 5 years ago. I hate the Synchro Summons, and I despise the XYZ Summons. Now everybody can summon huge fatties in the first round, and strategy with Spells and Traps has fallen by the wayside. I've been keeping up via, and it's seems that the game has devolved into

Brotherhood is the only AC game I haven't earned a Platinum, because of that fucking MP bullshit. I have every other Trophy in Brotherhood, except for the "reach level 50 in MP" one. I'm stuck at level 35, and the last few times I went online, there were never enough people to get even one session running. Goddamn

NO MORE MP? That means no more fucking MP-based Trophies! MOTHERFUCKING HELL YES!

Even better, the co-op is completely optional! WOO-HOO!

I'm off to pre-order this bitch immediately!

Jesus Fucking Christ, Nintendo. There's already a solid fan translation patch out there, and the people that did it stated that they'd love to let Nintendo have it for nothing if they asked. Then just put the translated Mother 3 up for digital download on WiiU and 3DS, and watch the money roll in. No having to pay for

Seconded. A Zero Mission style remake of Metroid II would be amazeballs.

I never really had to resort to combat. I'd hide someplace where the mooks wouldn't see me, then hack a camera to survey see how many enemies there were and the location of traps and cover spots. Then I'd shut off their ability to call in backup, detonate their grenades, and set off the environmental traps. That

I know, right? That gurl is thirsty for a tall, stiff one...and I ain't talking about beer.

Considering that most computers can't run a PS2 emulator without difficulty and there are yet to be any actual working PS3 emulators, a PS4 emulator in the foreseeable future is as laughable as your poor effort at trolling.

Think if it as a late portover. Watch_Dogs and Assassin's Creed IV came out for both current gen and last gen systems. This is basically the current gen port for TLOU coming out a year late.

I get the feeling that Franco is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He's attempting to publicly say, "No way would I have put my dick anywhere near that skank!" while at the same time conveying, "Yo dudes, she was totally begging for my meat and I completely wrecked that! High five!" to all the dudebros out there