
Hey, it worked for Naked Gun 33 1/3, right?

Half-Life 4 confirmed.

That too. Whenever XBoners brag about Titanfail being an "exclusive", I point out that it'll also be on PC. Then they scream, "It'll be for Windows!", as if that somehow negates the fact that it's not exclusive if it's available for more than one platform.

I want this game inside me NOW.

I'm sure they'll be a sequel on the PS4, no doubt about that.

I so totally want DLC showing what Bill was doing before Joel and Ellie showed up.

Rule 14 is in effect, people! I repeat, Rule 14 is in effect!

Seriously, it's basically HALO with jumping and piloting robots instead of vehicles, and XBoners are acting like it's going to singlehandedly convince everyone to smash their PS4s with a sledgehammer and buy 2 dozen XBOs. *rolls eyes*

Somewhere, Zak Orth, Don Mattrick, Bill Gates, and Steve Ballmer are masturbating furiously.

The table is actually an employee of Microsoft in disguise. And you fools fell for it!

Well, that's it. I'm now convinced that I should flush my PS4 down the toilet when I get it from Amazon and go buy 10 Xbox Ones.

"Shut the fuck up and feed me, human slave!"

I prefer for my Trophy hunting needs. Awesome site, like Gamefaqs, but more focused on Trophies.

It's the circle...THE CIRCLE OF FAT!

Hating on him? Not really. Just pointing how stupid it would be to drop $10,000 on system that is pretty much a worthless brick until MS makes the patch to remove the 24 hour internet check available online in about 2 weeks.

I just checked, and it says that the item was taken down by the sellers because of "an error in the listing".

I also liked Connor a lot. I think the main problem was that he had the bad luck to follow such an awesome character like Ezio, and people kept expecting Connor to be Ezio 2.0.

I actually got some good deals there before the two stores near me closed down about 3 years ago.