
You keep using this word "jabroni" and… it's awesome!

LA Mac is kind of an ass.

Gogol Bordello was damn near the highlight of the episode for me. And I loved the episode.

Holy shit. And to think, I'm just realizing that Rachel Keller was on Fargo and that's why she looks so familiar to me.

I'm pretty sure this is one of the best, if not the best, shows on TV right now. It's such a mindfuck, but it's drawing me in like very few shows can.

So, looks like this is probably the best place to discuss the new episodes… Louie Anderson is absolutely killing it this season, especially the last couple episodes.

Mac's acceptance of himself at the end of the episode really just makes the whole thing. Always Sunny somehow manages to find these little character moments that surprise you. Now we'll just have to see if he sticks with it.

This is the kind of episode that Sabine deserved. The emotions felt real and powerful, and while maybe that's a little heavy for what is ostensibly a kid's show, it was exactly what the series needs more of. I hope they can carry this forward.

This was kind of a filler episode, but having Thrawn narrow down the location of the base will likely be important as the season goes on, so at least they accomplished something.

Was I the only person who was psyched to see Skinny Pete from Breaking Bad as George Judy?

Butt Thumb made me laugh way too hard.

Brilliant episode. The camera work is top-notch, and that final scene was so intense and masterfully shot (in one take, no less).

That had to have been an intentional Breaking Bad reference, given that it was definitely the same location. It was definitely a nice tip of the hat to a show that may have played a role in making Preacher possible.

… I thought Clive getting his dick shot off was funny, mostly because of the detected way that he just kept telling about it like he was talking about making a sandwich.

I generally don't listen to country music, but I will always make an exception for Johnny.

I caught 3, plus one line of code that said "fuxsociety", which may or may not count. But yeah, people need to realize that they're just words.

Great start to the new season. Major props to USA for letting them drop a couple 'fuck's in there, too. Nice to see them not taking the easy way out on censorship.

Man, I'm going to miss this show. Even when they were just doing number-of-the-week episodes, POI was incredibly entertaining, and when they focused on the over-arching story, they did some truly transcendent things. Episodes like 'If-Then' were unlike anything on network television, and unfortunately may never get to

P.O.S is black, though…

My favorite detail from this episode was Hellwizard's rainbow death metal shirt. I need one of those.