
Linda Hamilton? Oh snap, why didn’t I already know she was in this? This movie just went from “hard pass” to “please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck”

Hardy sounds like he’s trying to do his best Bad Christopher Walken impression.

I’m still trying to figure out how that wasn’t a foul ball. From the perspective of this shot it looks pretty clear that it bounced at least once on the foul side of the baseline. As I understand the rules, it shouldn’t have mattered whether the catcher subsequently picked it up in fair territory. It was a dead ball

I think it’s worth pointing out that Oscar Isaac could, probably should, and if I had to guess would probably prefer to, be considered a POC even though he passes for Caucasian. Just saying. The fact that 3 of the major characters in TLJ are non-white is remarkable in and of itself. And, frankly, if they hadn’t gone

I’m thinking hard pass.  Still.  The trailers have not changed my mind.

If only we all had the incredible power at our fingertips to look up information we have questions about.  Someone should make a website that does this.

This article neglects to mention that lunar eclipses are, by and large, one of the most boring events in all of astronomy. Once you’ve seen one, you’ve pretty much seen them all. I barely even pay attention anymore.

I hope it’s not a government conspiracy because I feel like we’re already living in that world and don’t need a movie to feel worse.


Reviewer assumes, wrongly I should point out, that a significant fraction of men have seen Fifty Shades.


So, from an absolute standpoint I don’t disagree with the premise of this article. However, it’s looking at The Incredibles 2 from a 2018 perspective, and the movie universe is clearly supposed to be set in the 1950's or 60's (though they do take liberties with that). And during almost their entire marriage,

Verizon’s specialty is creating plans that confuse the shit out of consumers so that they pay more than they need to. It’s their most irritating quality.

Shouldn’t Steve be close to 90 in this timeline? I’m really confused.

Grew up with a guy named Harold Dick. Swear to God. He had a sense of humor about it, fortunately.

To be fair, you could have dressed Lynda Carter in a burlap sack and Saran Wrap and it still would have looked magnificent.

Yeeeeeeahhhh, see, I owned a bike very similar to this when I was 8 or 9 year old...banana seat, high handlebars, etc. It sucked. I think I’ll pass on the dramatically overpriced nostalgia version.

#27: “Let’s give it a PENIS and see if anyone notices!!”

Weakest scene in the movie, IMO. I really wish they’d found a better way to do the Kessel Run.

I’m pretty sure there is a tie for first place in “Most Ridiculous Episode” between....well, all of them. :)