It’ll all be okay, Mando is here to protect us. Grogu grew up fast though!
It’ll all be okay, Mando is here to protect us. Grogu grew up fast though!
Incel is a bad look.
“There’s no Sarah except Linda Hamilton.”
Ignorance makes you stupid.
(Hi, I’m grover173 and I’m a white person)
White person here. I’m not here to cry “not all white people (voters)“. I’m here to say that this article is 100% true, and it makes me physically ill to consider it.
Eh, it’s hard to tell for sure because the video cuts away, but it almost appears that he’s looking in the seats for the ball. But it wouldn't surprise me if he hurt himself when he hit the wall.
Eating salad with a spoon is even more frustrating than eating it with a fork. No, if you want to go truly next-level, you need to eat it with chopsticks.
I’ve been on Amtraks and I’ll just say that a cardboard box isn’t -that- much of a downgrade from their standard toilets. Especially once the train’s been on the rails for 8-10 hours. The bathrooms become positively disgusting.
Same 3-3-2-2 for a charcoal grill?
I’m still trying to figure out how that wasn’t a foul ball. From the perspective of this shot it looks pretty clear that it bounced at least once on the foul side of the baseline. As I understand the rules, it shouldn’t have mattered whether the catcher subsequently picked it up in fair territory. It was a dead ball…
Reviewer assumes, wrongly I should point out, that a significant fraction of men have seen Fifty Shades.
Grew up with a guy named Harold Dick. Swear to God. He had a sense of humor about it, fortunately.
I want to star your comment because I agree with it, but it seems wrong somehow.
I’m intrigued now. Might have to pull out the ol’ console.
Nothing could beat Princess’s floating ability IMO.
Mario 2 is easier to beat and more whimsical. I suspect that has a lot to do with it. I’m also going to pretend that having the Princess be the best character to play has nothing to do with it, although given the rampant misogyny pervading the gaming world, it wouldn’t totally surprise me.
Oh heck no, why would you EVER play Luigi except to get to the warps?
This is my all-time favorite Nintendo game. I liked how each player had unique abilities (Princess! Always choose the Princess! Unless you’re trying to use a specific warp in which case you MUST choose Luigi!) and I liked that it wasn’t infuriating to play. And among other things, I used to beat it just to hear the…
I say this only half-jokingly, but...they’re French? Isn’t public topless nudity kind of normal in France?