
Henry McMaster is an impotent, widely-despised douchebag who’s rarely had an original political thought in his career, kisses Trump’s ass like his life depends on it, and can hardly even garner the support of his own party. Hell, over half of South Carolina couldn’t identify him in a photograph. Bloviating, jingoistic

I live in SC and I will happily not-stand for the Super Bowl National Anthem, at least not on purpose, because (1) it is a joke to think that the vast majority of TV spectators in the country have EVER stood for the Anthem—the only time most of those jokers stand up is to get more beer and chips; (2) I have no plans

It really does amaze me how many people get burned by this every year, but it’s equally amazing that it’s still a thing in the 21st century. It’s ludicrous for countries to require a 3- or 6-month buffer zone on your passport.

If you’re only there 1-3 days, sure. If you’re on vacation or business travel and will be there somewhere between 3-15 nights, there’s no reason not to rearrange it to your level of comfort. It’s not something I’d personally do to the level of moving the bed, but I can’t see anything wrong with it.

You mis-read. “Leave a note to the housekeeping staff, asking them to leave things as-is and promising to move everything back. Move everything back. Tip a couple bucks extra for their trouble.” IOW you’re tipping them a few bucks NOT to move anything. 

I’d bet a week’s worth of M&Ms that Donald Trump is not the actual author of that “congratulatory” tweet.


“Doctor said you gon’ DIE.”

2 quick corrections:

Get tickets in advance for Independence Hall. Also it’s a federally controlled facility so they do not allow weapons of any kind, i.e. pocketknives. It’s similar to TSA rules and you will have to walk through a metal detector. So if you carry a knife in your pocket on your keychain like I always do, leave it at your


My favorite saltine recipe is rather complex:

Candyman is one of the very few horror movies I’ve seen in the theater and it scared the everloving bejeezus out of me. I haven’t watched it again to this day (or its sequel, which I hear is even scarier). However what set it apart from other horror movies for me was that it actually had a plotline, a good story, and

I’d rather have the spiders. Centipedes are creepy as fuck.

IMO the biggest problem with black widows, by far, is that they tend to reside in places around your home like the garage, in the holes of bricks or cinder blocks, or under the stairs where if you *do* need to access those areas, the encounter tends to be (a) up-close, and (b) a surprise to both parties—hence the

This white person knows what a Black and Mild is, but I wasn’t aware of its status as a “thing” in black culture.

My God, what is happening to the world when first I find myself agreeing with Lindsey Graham, then Mark Sanford, then RAND F!#@*$!~ PAUL. These are crazy times.

Osteen is a scamming con artist and this generation’s Jim Bakker (minus the suppressed homosexual activity, I imagine). My skin crawls every time I see someone I know quote him like he’s some sort of modern day Confucius.

Headline is slightly misleading - this is where you can see the next TOTAL solar eclipse. There are other solar eclipses happening, including an annular in 2023.

Middle ground: dress nicely in slacks and a polo or button-down. You can always remove a tie in-flight. I have stopped wearing jeans on airplanes because they are incredibly UNcomfortable in those tiny little seats. I also stopped wearing shorts for similar reasons. A pair of dress khakis makes the flight so much