I really, really wish they hadn’t used “Islamic” in their description of the spaceship. It’s beautiful and all, but does this country really need one more way to connect Islam with “menacing bad guys with violent culture”?
I really, really wish they hadn’t used “Islamic” in their description of the spaceship. It’s beautiful and all, but does this country really need one more way to connect Islam with “menacing bad guys with violent culture”?
Never underestimate the desperation of a Neoconfederate.
I’m guessing this will show will have distinctly dystopian nuances to it. Either that or an “Incorporated” type vibe where everything looks nice on the outside but is crumbling under its own weight.
It’s a great movie, but the end where he discovers just how futile and self-fulfilling all his efforts have been is one of the most despairing scenes I’ve ever seen in film. It’s a “makes you want to go jump off a bridge” moment.
I see your Watership Down and raise you a Twelve Monkeys.
I was not a big fan of Caesar’s fate. It had way too many similarities to Moses wandering in the desert. I’ve more or less decided that was on purpose, especially after reading the above comments about Caesar spawning a religion, but for me it distracted from the movie’s overall effectiveness.
They never explained whether the virus is new or a mutation (because, honestly, there wouldn’t be enough doctors around to make that determination). All they knew is it was highly contagious and, to the best of their knowledge, irreversible.
I hunted this down on DVD back in the day when DVDs of older movies were actually pretty hard to come by...spent something like $50 to get a copy that was produced in Brazil but used subtitles (which you could turn off) instead of over-dubbing. It’s terrifying enough on DVD, I’m not sure I need it to be high def…
The Day After is more frightening, but Testament is absolutely soul-shattering. Threads is just...I dunno, equal parts depressing and revolting. It did not have the impact on me that either of the other two did.
Drop the mic, you’ve won the internet today
OOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo this looks good
I noticed more than once that when it was raining, the characters (especially the Colonel and Caesar) had dry heads and faces. It really bothered me. I thought maybe where they were standing in these scenes had some sort of roof or veranda on it but usually that turned out not to be the case. I’d be curious to know…
I feel like this is actually a hype video for Alabama’s upcoming season.
That’s not self-awareness, that’s “my attorney instructed me to say”...
Entrails? CONTRAILS. Jeez.
Spider-Man 2 was a great movie. Molina gave us the most nuanced and complex super-villain on screen up until Ledger’s Joker. It’s a shame they had to go and ruin that franchise with Spider-Man 3...really should have stopped at 2.
I watched it live. I had just turned 10. I don’t know if this movie was the *cause* of my nuclear war nightmares throughout childhood, but it certainly reinforced them. As a kid anytime I saw more than 3 entrails in the sky, I rushed inside and turned on a TV/radio to make sure we weren’t under nuclear attack. I…
I have reluctantly abandoned my LJ account after having it for almost 15 years. It’s been dead as a social media site for almost 10 years as it is, but when it went to full Russian control I couldn’t abide that. My old entries are still there mostly so I can sift through them and get out information like voice posts…