Please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck
Please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck
(1) Holy Shit this looks incredible.
> to make sure absolutely no peen was seen on screen.
Called it.
> It seems like this movie has only two places to land: fun, competent action movie—or weird as hell, so-bad-it’s-amazing.
I can forgive everything on this list, I think, except Jumper. Bleah.
I remember being so excited for AotC. A friend of mine whose judgment I trust on these subjects saw it before me and his review was basically, “the Star Wars mojo is back. This is a great movie.” But I think he was, like the rest of us, high on lightsaber fights. It quickly came to light that AotC was a pretty bad…
This is a really difficult decision for me. Rogue One seems to be a good choice to open with; I can only think of one scene which is hard to explain, and that’s the C3PO-R2D2 cameo. There are plenty of other fan callbacks but they all fit seamlessly. However, by leading with Rogue One you completely spoil all the…
You have to take io9's endorsements with a grain of salt.
Thakwaash is a good guess. Wookiepedia lists their average height as 3 meters, which would appear to put this guy on the shorter range, but maybe they’ll digitally enhance his height.
This guy suddenly reminds me of a Mondoshawan. Not the face and body covering, mind you, but the body shape and posture and the way his head kind of juts out from his torso.
That would be awesome but I bet it’s not. For some reason the SW directors seem terribly loath to put Bothans on screen. Maybe they ALL died to bring the Rebellion the Death Star II information.
I was delighted to discover they’ve given Terence Stamp a cameo...
Most of these people give me a cold shudder, but...
Those aren’t categories of classification; they’re designations of Top Secret having additional restrictions. SCI, for instance. There’s also a particular TS clearance for nuclear information and for NATO information. But there is no “double top secret” or “black ops secret” or anything like that.
Yep. I’ve had some form of security clearance for over 20 years but in all that time, I’ve only viewed classified information once. And it was basically just to show me what classified material looks like. Classification can come for reasons as mundane as publishing a boring photograph could reveal who took it, or…
As pre-teens and teens we used to dog Mister Rogers as being cheesy and dumb, but we all knew deep down he represented the very best of humanity.
Time-lapse videos have gotten kind of old for me in the past year (thanks to a glut of them from Bad Astronomy) but this one...this is incredible. I couldn’t stop watching.
Are we really talking about this again? Someone has an obsession problem.