
Right around $3.91 for unleaded in San Diego, lowest it's been in months.

It's a shame that all of these year-end awards seem to honor American athletes, excluding the rest of the planet. Look up Esther Vergeer; she retired in 2013, and had a pretty decent career.

To directly answer you, Michael, yes, it is common practice for the players forming the 'wall' to put one (or both) hand(s) in front of your family jewels, and the other hand/forearm across your face, prior to the kick. The reason (besides 'protection', duh!) is that in soccer, it's a penalty for any player who isn't

"Dr. Hook" approves:

If that is true (making it rain), then I hope the ref yellow-carded him for unsportsmanlike conduct, and since it's a kid's league, removed him from the field for a 'time-out'.

Had a frightening experience years ago, driving south from Carlsbad on I-5. Super heavy fog, I had slowed to about 45 I guess, being uber-vigilant in the #3 lane. All of a sudden I was right next to the running lights of a big-rig, which was in the #4 lane. I never saw him until I was NEXT to him. If we'd been in the

Don't forget Krispy Kreme's 'Talk Like A Pirate' Day, Sept. 19th. Show up, talk like a pirate (suggested phrases on the KK website), and get a free doughnut. Actually dress up as a pirate, and get a free dozen doughnuts! Again, their website suggests how to dress up as a pirate; no swords or weapons allowed. Be

It was actually the Jag's end zone, the Chargers are scoring this year. I know, I'm surprised too.


I'm married to a wonderful woman who's the best cook in the world, and she loves to cook, so I don't need to. But I know how, and do it well, on occasion. I love to grocery shop, and price-compare to the penny. I don't change my oil, but can change a tire, and have replaced head-, tail-, and turn-signal lights in

Using "neighborhood play" logic, the Titans should have won the Super Bowl...

You do realize that the only reason Mulvaney is bringing up (totally making up) this alleged 'high school girlfriend' thing is because, like so many of his Republican bretheren, he's one of those arch-conservative bible-thumping trophy-wife flaunting closet gays.

"or the something"?

When I was 8, I slammed a door closed with my right hand, not realizing my left hand was near the door jamb (hinged part). Chopped off the tip of my left pinky finger. Shaking my hand in pain all the way to the bathroom to run it under cold water (what you're supposed to do when you get a boo-boo, right?) I managed to

Thank you, Fuzzy, I'll try that. I very much appreciate your suggestion!

*lose (although you could argue that the remains of his car were indeed "loose")

STILL waiting for Matt Holliday to touch home plate.

Lived in southern Calif. my whole life, parents from east coast. I've never called anything "pop", ever; one is called "soda" and the other is called "dad".

My last name, of Eastern European origins, has an "x" in it. The automatic brain lock it creates in people would be amusing if it wasn't so frustrating. NOBODY can either spell it nor pronounce it correctly.

Semi-related question: anyone know of a better lubricant for the bottom track under our heavy sliding-glass patio door? I love/used WD-40 on it, but am not impressed with the results. Any suggestions?