Ground Control To Uncle Tom

Have you seen Shotgun Stories?

For some reason I read black fella in David Gulpilil's voice

Game Of Scones (butter's coming)

We're talking about beating someone up, not killing them. Committing murder and getting away with it would be easy.

If you ever want to discuss Mulholland Dr, let me know (Lynch is one of my favorite directors and MD is one of his best films).

Aside from all the blood shed, how much gore is there?

How does the violence compare with what is seen in Django?

If the 4k restoration was done right, it would only enhance the gritty film look, making it look more like actual film stock, instead of a digital copy of film.

I agree but, if the blu-ray was done right, it would just make it look like it originally did in the theater (the 4K restored Texas Chainsaw Massacre blu-ray is a good example, it still looks rough and gritty, only it looks more like real film, instead of looking like a digital copy).

:) I was just wondering if you're actually older than me (not that I'm that old)

Heh heh but seriously? I was just wondering if you're actually older than me (not that I'm that old)

Fair enough. I'm really only a casual fan at best, so it doesn't really matter to me if I miss seeing it in the theater but, I really want to see the new Tarantino on a big screen, as I've enjoyed every film he's made so far (I'm just hoping I can make it to a theater that's showing it in it's full 70mm glory).

How old are you?

I never had to endure people at a party who couldn't stop quoting Python. I really just had one friend that was in love with Python, and it was just the two of us hanging out, quoting the show mostly, and only once in a while… so my experience was much different from your's.

Was it the stand alone extended version? Becasue the theatrical cut of death Proof has much better pacing.

Who cares what everyone else thinks? Better to go in with no expectations and decide for yourself how you feel about it.

The exception being when you're with a friend, and you're throwing quotes back and forth (although I don't have any friends anymore so, maybe it would bother me now).

Just imagine what it would be like trying to watch it at Lebowski Fest, I doubt you'd be able to hear a single line of dialogue that wasn't being quoted by the audience.

Well, I'm lucky in that I don't have any friends anymore (which sucks during the holidays since I know I'm going to be getting presents from anyone, and I love getting presents) but, I think it looks like its worth seeing in the theater. I'm rarely able to drag myself to a movie theater though, so I think if I manage