Ground Control To Uncle Tom

A show like Cosmos is better on acid. I once watched Billy Nye when I was coming down from acid…

People who want to try out the over priced knives they bought there?

Will Forte is in this? Dammit, now I'm to have to fast forward through this so I can watch his scenes, then promptly erase the evidence from my Netflix history.

What it sounds like is a halfhearted Betty Boop impression

That's how I felt when someone picked Jingle Bell Rock as their hate song (a song I've always found pretty catchy and enjoyable), then again, I've been able to avoid having to hear the same holidays songs repeated a million times on the radio or in stores, so maybe my perspective is skewed.

It really is the rare book, where after reading it, you feel it could have easily been twice as long, and you'd still want to read it over and over. Hell, it would have made a great series of books. I found Anansi Boys underwhelming in comparison though, so if it was a series, the other books would have to be a lot

I happen to own a copy of the film on blu-ray, and have seen it a few times, that's why I'm able to remember the plot details (it's a flawed film for sure but, I like the somewhat loose structure it has, the fact that the editing isn't super chopped up, and the way it feels like you're just kind of hanging out with

"a scene where a teenager went from looking up to cool guys to openly weeping and begging them not to murder him was too much for me"

Yes, Timberlake was presented in a mostly sympathetic light (at several points in the film he tried to suggest that the kid should make a run for it but, he was only able to bring himself to do so halfheartedly) but, Willis didn't tell Hirsch (his son) to kill the kid, he begged him to let him go, but events had been

Has there ever been an avclub list of actors and directors with the best hair styles? Because, I would like to see one, and it would have to feature both David Lynch, and Jim Jarmusch.

Mohd talking about porn stars makes my skin crawl more

How about if he stars in a show about the manly adventures of Hemingway ?

I really like Element Of Crime (it was one of my first Von Trier films, after Dancer In The Dark) but, it's not really a film you can watch very often, the plot is too minimal, the atmosphere too overwhelmingly oppressive (it often feels like a detective thriller filtered through a claustrophobic fever dream ). Also,