Groucho's Fake Moustache

“IT” guy here. Trained as a network engineer. 10^9th. You’re welcome. ;)


Watched Young Frankenstein lately, have ye? ;)


Of course! Pretend just like a greasepaint moustache. ;)

Don’t you mean ‘couldn’t care less?’ This is fun. :o

I let Bobby borrow my moustache for that game. And damn you,+1 <3

Had the misfortune of making eye contact with someone turning into the lane next to me. He went over the line into my lane some, I made eye contact, and saw him very awkwardly eating a banana. I don’t think he’ll ever forget the raised eyebrow I gave him. Poor sod had the guiltiest look I’ve ever seen on a person.

It’s ok, he’s not really a prince, either. ;)

Her husband was unavailable for comment.

I was going to make a joke, but it’s low hanging ..... uh... fruit. So I won’t. ;)

You just know that historically, someone most likely got their ass whooped with those coins all tied together like that too.

He’ll make the hackers pay for it, too. ;)

I see what you did there, and I like it.

I deny everything.

Wonder why he’s wasting good money funding that. The morons I know on Facebook are doing a perfectly fine job of shitposting DJT memes for absolutely free. I thought conservatives were all about wise spending. ;)

I would pay good money to see him take a corner at about 30mph doing this. Just build up momentum for a while and crank the shit out of the wheel.

I like how they’re standing there like “How the fuck are we supposed to move these?”

Approve of the size of the beer glass, not so much the beer, but sponsors are sponsors I guess. Still better then Genny Cream Ale at any rate. I bought that to drown my yard slugs and even they stayed away from that shit (although I swear I saw one hanging over the side of the dish and puking.) Never drink a beer that

Boy, I better stop going to Yahoo for all my car news then. >.>;