
I think it's horrific that you don't find his actions horrific. This is awful. To openly state that you think its just kinda meh bad behavior is really unsettling.

I recently learned that the reason this is a disclaimer on those commercials is to help men who have purchased the drug without a prescription, for instance from the internet. Supposedly the regular drug will not do this but counterfeit or impure versions can cause these ultra-boners and the difference helps doctors

This isn't mental illness. This is being an entitled, violent asshole.

By all means, keep excusing his behavior as mental illness and not just some fucking asshole who wanted to have sex with someone who was unwilling.

As a woman in Chicago I assure you there are plenty of assholes like this in the West Loop, River North, oh, and about every other fucking neighborhood in this city.

It is precisely what you are saying. If only he had raped her sooner!