That's not including paying for childcare if you have a full time job!
That's not including paying for childcare if you have a full time job!
The Streisand effect at its finest.
AND you can play it with SteamVR. I haven't quite gotten it adjusted right to work well with my Samsung GearVR and Galaxy S7 along with RiftCat, but it's a start. I think it should be amazing if you have an Oculus Rift or the HTC one.
Oh yeah. I used to yell at mine all the time when I nursed: “It’s not a crazy straw!!”
Why didn’t the department store clerk offer to show her where the closest ladies changing rooms were? Mom could have a seat in privacy in a quiet place more hygienic than a bathroom and fussy child pacified. Done.
Congratulations! Yep, I used to watch “A Baby Story” when I was pregnant with my now teenager. They only showed happy endings, but I ended up being a blubbering mess at the end of the show. Every.damned.time.
Maybe it was a Royal.
I want my hair to look like the middle picture in your post. It's fun, but subtle, and I can still maintain my roots.
Vocal fry for years is what did it. It’s surprising that she can sing at all, but that’s only if she hasn't been lip syncing every concert.
You should get a Raspberry Pi kit and connect a taser to some aluminum foil, that will be the last piss they take on your front door....
....But he’s still in China. Unless the other end of that tube goes overseas, I’m pretty sure that air quality isn't going to get much better.
And here I was betting on YOLO...
Couldn’t Leslie’s people provide the designer with a Leslie - sized form to borrow?
I know, right?!? Bastards! Who decided this? I say we boycott they’re next film, unless of course they learn from what they’ve done and make another one with him in a loincloth. I may wait for this to come out on digital download so I can just watch the scenes with him in them.
I call fowl play!
“I can tell you’re an asshole by that comment.” Would be my response.
Axl stole your cane then waved it at you while yelling to get off of his lawn?
Portal VR. Where is it? It needs to happen.
Well, judging by the agonizing sounds of frustration coming from where the WiiU is, I’d say Splatoon.
Or boundaries.