
The guy jerking off 6x a day should also maybe get checked by his doctor (urologist?) to make sure there isn’t a problem physically, like with his hormones or something. I’m all for “you do you” but that doesn’t sound healthy and might be causing damage to at least the skin and possibly other tissues.

Awww, no! And it wasn’t even from a freaky sex activity gone wrong as one would have expected. That’s just not right.

I work in IT in a crunch right now. I have a supportive husband, but we have two kids who want to see their mother and we we have older parents needing care. When management starts talking about mandatory unpaid overtime then extending the deadline for weeks then months, they are telling you who they really are and


Valve *NEEDS* to create a VR version of Portal.

“Ability to give a double-deuce to Comcast.... priceless.”

Mine had two when I was growing up: Cameo, who was the sweetest dog ever, and then Kodiak, who was bred for looks and not personality.

<pats shoulder gently> It’s okay. This is me with push-ups. Every intermediate video I get that starts off with “Okay, let’s do push ups!” Goes right back in the return box.

The Redundancy Department of Redundancy approves this message.

Followers, or cats?

Hahaha, oh please please let this be the thing she was wearing! 😆

This makes me think that there were some bath salts involved.

This proves it. Kanye West is so evil that he actually makes you feel sad for Kim Kardashian. Think about that for a minute.

Since I wasn’t able to edit my post, I would like to amend it after reading the article in one of the links. The description from the accuser in the NYT article sounds plausible and she was smart and coherent enough to think to gather evidence. I just hope there was enough for a sample so they can prove without a

At least in the patient rooms, there wouldn’t be cameras allowed because there is an expectation of privacy. Public areas, are often monitored for security reasons. Especially in the ER.

Yeah, that was what I was wondering too. Semen present is not exactly evidence unless it matches somehow. It could just as easily be an attempt to be a setup for a settlement unless there’s some strong proof.

I think I got diabetes just looking at that picture.

I need to sew a bathrobe on Etsy for attractive women that makes them look like a big hairy dude. I’d wear it. I wonder if it would sell.

Now, I love the new Tomb Raider, but I really wish they would put out a patch with a fix for her hair being in her face all the time. I appreciate what they were trying to do, but in the cutscenes it's so distracting. It's like a hyperactive toddler in the shape of a ponytail mullet. Calm down!

“To infinity, Ad Victorium!!"