How about a feature to prevent getting unsolicited dick pics?
How about a feature to prevent getting unsolicited dick pics?
So the Red Room is basically an evil "Room of Requirement" like in Harry Potter?
Hahaha, take your damned star!
I understand with the context of the game setting why violence for survival would be necessary. Part of the whole point of the first game was that they had to make it feel like the stakes were real.
Oh sweet! I was so hoping this was going to be good! I’m glad they held it up a little longer until it was fully baked. I got a PSVR anyway because I’m a sucker for all things Skyrim and couldn’t pass up a VR experience with it for under $500 (game and VR gear included).
You spend hours a day with only one small monitor?
First translate to Dothraki, THEN Klingon.
Is it just me, or did the words “Well it’s about fucking time!!!!!” go through your head when you read this title?
MEEEEE! <happy girly dance> I love this game! 😁
On a positive note, you must be doing something right for your 12-yr old to have that kind of mature insight.
Right?!? What’s next, knickers or skirts with petticoats? Is there a fashion betting pool somewhere that I can make a fortune off of lazy, unoriginal designers?
Do the events of this game take place before or after those in Uncharted 4?
Spot on with the separate sleeping arrangements. You can’t do anything about his not addressing his snoring if he just doesn’t want to, but you can fairly address your need for sleep. You can still be intimate and get a good nights sleep.
Seriously, if I could do it all over again, I’d rather do a simple backyard barbecue and use the money on a trip or a down payment on a house. My wedding was modest compared to today’s standards and we’re still married almost 20 years later, but it would have been nice to get the travelling bug out of our system…
Did the guy who plays Varys lose a ton of weight? His face looks a lot more thinned down now and you can really see his features and I was thinking: “Damn, he’s really handsome!” Just me? Okay then.....
She’s amazing! So talented! I wonder if she’s done Hama the Bloodbender from Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Then after a few deep breaths, you realize why he’s fascinated by this game is because he also wants to be like you and understand you better....
I wonder if she would consider an addition to her blog where home sellers submit pictures of their house like a “roast me”. This could give free expert advice on ideas to make your house sellable that you may not have noticed because you’ve been living in it.
<girly squeal> I’m totally making one with a mask and a unicorn.