
The key is the brand new box and scoop. Used at all is begging for a law suit.....

Yeah, but you know it would TOTALLY be worth every minute of the risk.

It's where all the butthurt people go.

Hahaha..... What about heavy petting?

At some of these studios, there are literally no other women in sight. There’s a women’s bathroom, but the light is always off, because you’re the only one who uses it, and you have to fumble for it in the dark. If it’s nighttime and you’re walking down the vacated hallway of a shared office building in an unfamiliar

I love this article. I had a bad breakup in college and the best/healthiest thing I did was work out when I would get low. It was such an amazing outlet for the hurt and I kept thinking how awesome it would be to get cute new clothes for when I met a new guy.

What would happen if they put a solar panel in that spot?

Please, oh please bring back Alistair and Leliana! They were the best characters ever! Also, what the heck happened to Wynne, Oghren and Sten after Origins? I didn't see anything about them in II. There was a funny quip about Shale from the bartender in Kirkwall and you met Alistair and Leliana briefly in II.

TELL HER. It doesn't matter how you tell her, but TELL HER. You are both completely innocent of this douchebag and if I were her I'd be upset, but I'd rather find out what a lying and manipulative asshole he is while you can quickly get an annulment than after you've been together long enough to have children

I can't believe I read most of this, but between the lines, this is my best guess at the intentionally missing information:
- middle aged
- 5' to 5'5" tall
- doctor
- looking for college educated unemployed teenager with no self-esteem

Assassin's Creed and Jade Raymond helped to break the stereotype that a lot of hair growing out of your face is a requirement for an amazing game. As I understand it, there are a lot of women involved in writing the story line for DA3. I loved Skyrim and even created some player house mods, but the one thing I think

Are we ever going to see romance-driven storylines from Ubisoft? For example, it's one of the primary reasons I love Dragon Age.

Holding your hair doesn't matter in space...

"If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy." — RedGreen

Actually, I think the image of Joel kicking ass to protect a young girl makes him seem more dangerous and macho. Although, as a woman, I confess that I find it endearing.

HA! Alliance headphones!

Kirk, can I just pay to watch you play it? I love these FPS games because of the environments and stories, but I'm such a scaredy cat when it comes to clickers...

The funniest thing about this picture is that everyone is smiling like "What stinky pile of vomit?!?"

I would actually pay a lot of money for some cosplay of this. X-D

Actual size.