
An AMERICAN-BORN Canadian of Korean descent. Grace Park was born in California and moved to Canada as a baby.


Nobody's Asian in the Movies

He's the MILF guy. What more does he have to prove?

Just say YES.

There are some that say SyFy's programming announcements are made by a blue-eyed giant named Chris McCumber.

They should have played "Open Your Heart" over the credits.

Did they see his penis, too?

Even us straight guys had some confusing thoughts about that.

Trump tweeted the Pink Letter. CONFIRMED.

Maybe some of us get him confused with Brutus. Who, uh, killed himself.

Say what you will about it, but "12 Monkeys" had a whole lot more Clyde.

Thanks, ROBAMA.

"Mr. Mouse, it says here you are filing for divorce because of your wife's mental illness?"
"I didn't say she was crazy, your honor. I said she was fucking Goofy."

An octopus having a stroke could have played that solo.

Is that Hammett or Hetfield?

Probably not a true solo, but if I could pick out a song for which I love every single guitar part, this would probably be it.

That's almost not fair. That's like guitar porn for people unfazed by the first three levels.

What's tricky is that it's several solos in rapid succession, each determining where any given solo would go over the next four decades.

I'm partial to "Dogs," but I don't know if I've ever been disappointed by a David Gilmour solo.