
"Another Nail In My Heart," full stop. For one thing, it's half a country solo in a decidedly British pop song, and it comes a verse too early at that. Then it just hauls off and quotes "Waterloo Sunset" just because it can. Glenn Tillbrook is a freaking genius, and I'm proud to share a birthday with him.

What, are you condemning her celebration of love with Linds…

This might be a low-key X-Files reference. Mulder and Scully toasted with it while watching television.

They're kind of the exact kind of Clark Griswold sumbitch.

I'm fat, bearded, AND bald. How am I not in on this action?

I have no proof that BD Wong is doing a George Takei impersonation, but I'm pretty sure George Takei is doing a George Takei impersonation.

Worst…. Play….

I understand that reference!

Maybe not so much these days.

I hope they just bring back Young Priest, Gay Priest, and Black Priest. Try can travel the world kicking everybody's ass all the time.

I've got an even better idea:

My working theory is that NBC just needed a hug and Holy Wayne pulled through at the last minute.

I often wonder how conversations between him and Sean Maher go these days.

Now that was a show that knew how to kill off its characters.

I kept waiting for Hernando to chime in about gay action stars: "There's Espock!"

But at least one who dresses like Louise Fletcher.

It's a win because Bobby-Spray was his white, douchey whale. No cost is too high.

I don't know if Chuck is even capable of sleeping with another woman without Wendy's explicit permission.

Shh. He'll have to return his Edgar suit for store credit.

I suppose a show's fans can only be as smart as the show itself.