
I see we have a disciple of Preston Jacobs in our midst. A lot of his theories rely on pretty big leaps of faith and/or obvious continuity errors, but the ones that work REALLY work.

He's quietly working on discovering polonium-210 to poison his enemies with. Starting with his son.


"Stark Hunt" got really great ratings that first week, but mostly because the smallfolk are mostly illiterate, and didn't know it was spelled that way.

Episode Two is going to open with the dog-handler reporting to Ramsey what happened. Ramsey will be about to pull a knife the man, only to be interrupted by Roose calmly explaining that you don't waste useful henchmen, and then hitting Ramsey with a rolled-up piece of parchment.

In their defense, those dogs looked delicious. (They were wise not to show EVERYONE chowing down, though.)

He's closer to 400 lbs. At 243 he'd be significantly smaller than Lebron James.

Let the dragon soar
Like it's never soared before!

It was spelled "Jon Kaesych" on the ballot.

Not in the books. But the fact that there is another set of books is problematic.

Could you imagine if only one of the toys had addressed him (calmly, because he's like 11 years old), explaining its sentience and calling for a truce? This kid could have grown up to be a special effects guy or creature creator in show business. Instead, they went on a full-frontal assault on someone with the

But what if one of them plays with it wrong, like Sid?

I've been trying to find that clip all night.

It went to the same place from where it and Prince suddenly appeared.

I like imagine Idris Elba's agent told him the title over the phone, he showed up to the audition in an actual gorilla suit, and they were so impressed with his commitment that they gave him the part. Like the lady who played Vasquez in "Aliens."

It's kind of cool to make fun of the second season, but that orgy house sequence was one of my favorite things from that whole year.

A protagonist waking up from a fugue state on Coney Island *and* trying to steal a dog from their therapist's ex-boyfriend? This whole thing is getting a little too "Mr. Robot" for my tastes.

He's already played Wilde and Mycroft Holmes. I'd love to see him go for the trifecta of roles he's uniquely qualified to play.

Fry and Laurie. Or else.

Please give me "04.04.68," starring Jordan Peele as MLK and Keegan-Michael Key as Jesse Jackson. Former President Barack Obama (Harry Lennix) uses the same time machine from when he faked his birth certificate, but he can only afford to send back Dave Franco.