
Either way, he finally got it into his head that we didn't like him that much here in Dallas.

David Keith!

Those sumbitches accidentally killed David Bowie. They're dead to me.

I will kiss every one of the producers on the mouth if they somehow incorporate Ruben Blades's cover of "The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul" into this season.

They're probably in season for a show the day before Halloween this year. I would love to see Hardwick show up in costume as fat, drunk Chris Hardwick from the '90s.

Who, come to think of it, once played an android piloting a sea vessel.

I've been calling him "Smart Tyreese."

I may be biased because I kind of know the guy who played Nate, but I went back and checked the NFL schedule from the last few years, and the only game they could have been talking about showed the Colts making a miraculous second-half comeback. I'm not saying I condone homophobia, but Nate got RESULTS.

First off, I'm honestly shocked that Tina Fey wasn't a credited writer on this one. Titus's not-getting-to-come-out speech is one of the best things I've heard since the "30 Rock" finale, where Tina Fey pretty much says goodbye to Tracy Morgan.

Trust me. You don't want to ask Ryan Murphy for a tear-jerking moment.

Next you're going to tell me there's homoerotic subtext between Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock.

We're especially not supposed to take them seriously in the Evil Dead video, because it does not exist.