
Gaaaahhh spoiler!!!

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I have to agree that the only spot where Henry is dropping the ball is letting them remain in Don's old house. Get the hell out of there!

OMG Betty is SUCH a bitch. What used to be impatience with her and her retarded emotional development is quickly turning to hatred on my part.

I loved the fact that Bert was so integral to this episode. Robert Morse is awesome.

Henry Francis is useless?
Todd, I have to disagree with you. Henry Francis used to seem kind of useless to me, but at least in this episode, he proves that he's a much better parent than Betty will ever be. Totally laid back about things that really aren't such a big deal (and certainly don't deserve a f***ing slap in

He and Joan seemed very friendly. She calls him "Walter." I've never called a doctor of mine by his or her first name, not even my OB!

It was admittedly a gimmick, but I thought it was pretty well done. Luckily, Mad Men doesn't do that sort of thing very often.

How awesome is Joan? She runs that office with an iron fist in a velvet glove and looks 100% fabulous at all times - even when getting stitches from her husband, Dr. Rapist. And when he comes home from the hospital, she not only has a big New Year's dinner ready, but a themed one at that! Complete with lei's and

If you're worried about spoilers you probably shouldn't be reading threads on the AV Club. Seriously!

I know the TV show is not following the books very strictly, but last week at Comic-Con, Charlaine Harris was asked if Sookie's telepathy is related to her fairy origin, and she stated very clearly that it was not.

Most of his books can be had for free…
…via Amazon's Kindle store, Including some of the less-well-known stuff. There are also a bunch available on The Gutenberg Project (, if you don't like the Kindle format.

^ Winner.

I just added The Prophecy to my Netflix queue because I gotta check this out now. However, I wanted to note that Peter Stormare was a pretty bad-ass version of Satan in Constantine. In fact, him as Satan and Tilda Swinton as a crazed Gabriel were the two redeeming qualities that make the film watchable.

"If I stood any closer I'd be behind you!"

@Sheltie that's definitely the kind of thing I scour eBay and Etsy for.

I agree that Se7en had a brilliant opening credits sequence, but I think you have to attribute at least some of that to the music by Nine Inch Nails.

Alien: Resurrection was written by Joss Whedon. What the hell went wrong?

You're right about the bookcase; that's exactly how it happens in the book. So if anyone is guilty of heavy-handedness, it's Forster!

No "That Crazy Lois" this week
Big minus. She's always a highlight for me.