
I think by the time the mom ended up in the psych ward, they weren't exactly sure what was wrong with her. The electroshock therapy (and the force-feeding) was done because she wouldn't eat and was generally unresponsive. Don't remember if it's in the film, but in the book definitely there's a younger doctor who

Driving the Mako around on mountainous planets was a real drag. And yeah the squad AI blew. Hopefully the new AI will be a lot more like Dragon Age, which is awesome.

If you only try one mod, get yourself the GNR "There's More Where That Came From" add-on. Adds up to 100 additional songs to GNR, all from the appropriate decades and genres. Soooo sweet.

Wait…where can I see that Paula Deen thing?

I was being 100% honest! You crack me up! :)

Oh my gosh, thanks for reminding me that he played Allan Arbus in "Fur." I thought he was great!

Is it inappropriate to go off-topic at this point and say that "Elrond Hubbard - Elven Scientologist" is about the funniest nickname I've seen on this board, ever? Oh well, I went and did it. Sorry.

Irina's dress
It was pretty, but kind of cliched, no? The way she styled her model was fugly beyond belief, but I think styling such a dress would be really difficult under any circumstances. Go too hard, heavy, and edgy, as Irina did, and it's a misfire. But a pair of sandals and more bohemian accessories could have

I think the deliciously sleazy vinyl of Alive II was perhaps the first album I ever owned. Ahh…memories…

SimpleGreen, I'm thinking that Whedon is talented but occasionally misguided. I keep trying to like Dollhouse, and failing miserably. I risk being pelted with bricks for saying this, but: if it's cancelled after this season I won't be too sorry, because maybe he'll move on to something better.

Agree, agree, agree. I want to know what's going on with Joan! How did she end up working at Bonwit Teller? Isn't that a step down from office manager at a prestigious ad agency, or is she in fact the manager of the dress department, which might be considered a lateral move or even a promotion (anyone know)? What's

Don's "you people" read pretty clearly as homophobia which, sadly, would be standard for the times, in a "man's man" like Don, cultured and jet-setting though he may be.

THE CRATE!! OMG, I have seen it dozens of times and I still jump every damn time. Adrienne Barbeau is hilarious as the trashy, drunk wife.

Just one! Can you guess?
Naturally it was Battlefield Earth. My husband dragged me to an actual theater to see that piece of shit. I think he knew it was going to be awful but wanted to see it first hand, like a rubbernecking driving going past a car wreck.

I think he was joking. :)

Hey uh, Guy Who Is Not Paid…etc. If you're implying that I mentioned I FiOS because I'm shilling for them, just want you to know, that's not the case. I only mentioned my cable system because it seemed to me that the guide irregularity was particular to them. I checked some online summaries via TV Guide, MyWay, and

Strangeness in the capsule summary
I watched Hung last night on HBO via my Verizon FiOS. The little capsule summary in the on-screen program guide said something like "Tanya has a conversation with Pierce's mother and finds out that he has a tendency to lie about things" or something like that. Yet there was NOTHING

I was just about to ask if that was a Bloody Mary that Peggy was enjoying. Pete's face when he walks in and sees Peggy sitting there was the best. I love seeing Campbell get humiliated or beat down in any way.

I read an interview that Alan Sepinwall did with the show's creators, and they were very clear on the fact that yes, Jackie really is in love with Eddie. Of course, she was also using him, but she definitely loved him too. To me this is kind of mysterious, because if that's what they intend, they're not getting it

Tanya sure needs some kind of help. She literally drove me CRAZY this episode. Let's list all the stupid, stupid things she is doing wrong: