
On a different tack with the "toolbox" line, I found it kind of strange after last week's quote from Betty, "She's taking to your tools like a good little lesbian" or something like that.

Don't mess with THE GAYS! I think there might be a series in that.

"Andy: Super Booze drinking
Tara's Mom: Wet Brain."

What was that show HBO had on last year about the three couples in relationship counseling? Now THAT show had too much testes.

I dunno Dr. McCoy. Doesn't her whole storyline kind of emphasize that she's bonkers? If guys broke up with her in the past, I assume it was because they'd already had their fill of crazy.

The show seems to imply that Ray, in addition to being well-endowed, is also *talented* sexually. So it's definitely more than just size.

I still love this show.
I'm a fan. I am looking forward to next season. I just think the character of Jackie is so well written and acted. She really divides people, and makes them talk and think.

Hooker is the British version of Pete - they're both weasels.

Yeah he'll probably turn out to have some big ol' issues of some type, but he was fun for Tanya for a while. I did NOT recognize him as Josh from BWP, so thanks for pointing that out. Freaky. I'm kind of glad to know those kids can get jobs now.

I'm not ready to get on the Eli hatin' train yet. He's no worse of an ego than QT or any of the other blowhards making movies today (don't take that wrong - I like QT just fine). I'm going to wait and see what he does over the next few years before I decide he's beyond hope.

Thanks for defending Jane Adams, I agree. She's a lovely woman. She is made up and costumed to look like a bit of a mess on this series, especially recently, which is meant to emphasize the turmoil and self-doubt that her character is going through.

I thought that for about two seconds but then I remembered, she had the tryst in the bar AFTER she found out she was pregnant. Or at the very least, after she started showing symptoms of being pregnant. I think we're supposed to infer that it is, indeed, Don's baby.

Closed captioning confirmed the line was "This place is a gynocracy." Though they misspelled it (ginocracy).

Poor Sal. I actually thought he would climax before he and the cute bellboy even hit the bed. I'm in the "he's never had ANY" camp.

"I would go out and buy a BMW if I thought that would shut them up."


I loved him as the…er…"Hollywood Agent" in To Die For. What a creepy smile.

No, it's not Bryan Batt. But there IS a resemblance, isn't there?

I dunno, I thought some of the episodes that Steve Buscemi were pretty great too.

Jesus, who doesn't notice that the "gravy" is actually blood and run screaming from the table? Oh well, I guess they were under Maryann's mojo by that point.