
I thought I might be the only person in the world who actually likes Spanglish. But it has so many other great performances, it's kind of like the film that Sandler couldn't quite ruin.

I really liked him in the Sandra Bullock vehicle "28 Days." He plays one of the recovering addicts in rehab. He was HILARIOUS and doing another funny accent.

That whole sequence was genius. You know what got me? The murals of the Pale Man eating children. There's this barely recognizable sound of babies/children crying on the soundtrack as the camera pans across them. Then she turns around and sees the giant pile of shoes (very evocative of that display in the Holocaust

Can we work Chow Yun Fat in there somehow? Then I'll see it 10x opening weekend.

One of the best profiles you've done so far. Doug Jones is a treasure!

I love this show, unapologetically and emphatically. The cast is fantastic.

It will be especially easy to cheer for Tyrion in the series because Peter Dinklage is just SO freaking awesome.

(Spoilers I guess)

Spoilers for Run it for Marty

Second the thoughts on Patrick Rothfuss. I started "The Name of the Wind" and only got about 1/3 through before giving it up. Just awful. BORING. Reads like fantasy fiction written by a sophomore in high school who's just finished Martin, Tolkien, etc.!

To me the kid seemed not all that willing, but maybe I'm reading a nuance to the performance that just wasn't there. Lady Boob is clearly off her rocker, regardless.

I *love* Intolerable Cruelty, and The Hudsucker Proxy.

As much as I like Molly Ringwald, I felt she was all wrong for the part of Fran. She seemed too old and just didn't fit the image I had of Fran after reading the book.

I have to agree on love for "The Dome." It was nearly perfect and I read it so fast that when it was done I wanted to start it over again immediately.

I almost always Hulu it, usually because I get wrapped in doing other things around the house and then, at 10:30, I remember "Oh! Parenthood!"

Well he didn't really. He held it towards Adam and asked, "Edible?" Obviously he assumed Adam knew what that meant. I don't really think he was trying to trick him, because that would be evil, and new owner guy seems kind of dorky and unfocused, but not evil.

My issue with Julia and Joel
I just don't buy them as a couple. How does Ms. High-Powered, Successful Attorney end up with Mr. Laid-back Contractor Dude? I suppose we can assume that when the economy was better and Joel's business was booming, that maybe he moved in some of the same circles as Julia?

Thanks for posting this. When I see some of the pain that Adam and Kristina go through, it reminds me how lucky I am that my daughter doesn't have those kinds of issues. But I certainly sympathize with them.

W. Earl Brown was awesome on Deadwood, but his best performance was as Mary's special-needs brother in "There's Something About Mary."