
You should really give Secrets & Lies a chance. It's excellent.

I feel awful for those kids.
I think the whole show started as a positive thing, but has gone downhill. I feel really, really badly for those children.

I can't get enough!
Seriously, I love this show. I especially love the 1/2 hour format, which really keeps things moving along. I never really liked Edie Falco much when she was on The Sopranos but I am LOVING her in this role. Even when I find Jackie's actions repugnant, I find myself amazed by Edie's performance.

So funny, I feel the exact opposite. I like True Blood, love Hung, and despise Entourage. In fact, I watch Hung at 11 on Sunday night because I know True Blood is on right afterward, and by the time Entourage comes on I can just turn off the TV and go to sleep.

There's a scene in an upcoming episode that makes me think maybe Jackie's little pill problem is starting to affect her more than it seemed previously. It has definitely caused me to reevaluate my feelings about her.

"Jane, it's nippy on my twat." - Joanie Stubbs

Interesting info on Vicodin addicts, however, I got the impression that Jackie just likes her opiates in general, and doesn't have to have Vicodin and only Vicodin. Witness her stealing some of her hoity-toity doc friend's Xanax, and didn't Eddie also give her some Percocet or something like that once? She definitely

She's not very smart, is she?

I'm not surprised your view of "westerns" wasn't changed, since Deadwood doesn't really fall easily into that category. It's much more Shakespearean, actually. Just happens to have an "Old West" setting.

"At the very least "Deadwood" is getting me interested in History in a way none of my teachers ever did. "

Yeah, and in the book the Maenad was a dirty, haggard thing that basically stayed in the woods, not a big fancy McMansion. So I'd say they're definitely creating something else, using the books as mere inspiration rather than dogma.

My expectations were low…
…but I liked it! Thomas Jane, who's been a bit of a cipher to me until now, was surprisingly appealing. And I agree with an earlier poster who said it was refreshing to see average-looking teens in a TV show.

I would really like someone to explain what went wrong with "Magorium" to me. It's like it all just falls apart when it starts focusing on Natalie Portman's character, though it's not a LOT better before that either.

Of course it's possible that some of them are down there chained to that thing because, you know, that's what they're into. Or something.

I like "Neighbors!" In fact, I think it's pretty hilarious all the way through. Didn't like the ending very much though. However, I think it's strong work by Belushi. It's kind of sad really, because Belushi's performance in the "straight" role is so good, it shows what kind of potential he could have had if he had

Eric's basement
As I posted in reply to another comment, Eric in his highlighting foil was pretty much the highlight of the episodes for me. But I was pretty annoyed about the situation with the prisoners. Perhaps it was a victim of editing, but it seemed like awfully sloppy plotting to me. We get no indication of

Ha! Yes, Eric in his highlighting foils was hilarious. Judging by clips and photos I've seen of the coming season, he'll be getting a haircut in short order as well. That's kind of sad, since I like his long hair, but whatever - you're right in that he is totally gorgeous.

It means "windpipe."

You want funny?
This entire comment thread has already been way more entertaining than any episode of ATHF I've ever seen (and I have sadly seen a bunch).

Party Down is hilarious. Finally caught it this weekend and laughed my ass off. Now I gotta go back and re-watch it On Demand.