Price also helped found The Institute of American Indan Arts and was on the board. He’s done some fine writing on Native American art.
Price also helped found The Institute of American Indan Arts and was on the board. He’s done some fine writing on Native American art.
When I read that Pierce Brosnan was playing a former IRA member, I hoped this was a sequel to The Long Good Friday.
I think Hal knows where his son is (or was), and something bad happened to him because of Grundy.
Maybe she broke up with him and he killed himself.
Or he was a terrible singer songwriter but she encouraged him and he went on stage and made himself look like an absolutely pathetic whiny emo loser again and again.
When I saw the hooded shooter walk past in Fred’s dream, I could’ve sworn it was Hal Cooper. Don’t know if the eyes match.
He could’ve killed Grundy because she slept with the son Alice put up for adoption.
And the line “They were probably on meth. Or jingle jangle” was a great slip in of one of The Archie’s better…
There are a lot of people out there who know their television history-heck, their recent history-and can write decent reviews.
Maybe we need an AVCQ&A: “What books should the AVClub reviewers read to understand pre 1990 television?”
I nominate”The Box: An Oral History of Television, 1929-1961,” by Jeff Kisseloff
Yeah. Rosie got away with stuff that would’ve gotten a real slave whipped half to death.
Heck, she even had a boyfriend for a while!
By the way, this is what television criticism by someone who knows history looks like:
It was a simpler, happier, more murdering time.
Heck, Sean, now that you’ve seen a couple episodes, just skip to “Pierrot le Fou” and then get back to us.
“Touch me! Touch me harder!”
I wonder if it might be better to start with the movie. See all the characters in action. Then go back and see how they got there and fill in their backstories. The change in animation quality might be a little disconcerting at first, but that’s easily gotten used to.
Hell, any excuse to watch “Knockin’ on Heaven’s…
I tried to turn my daughter on to “Cowboy Bebop.” She gave up after a few episodes.
I think those first few episodes don’t do a very good job of hooking new watchers. They’re much better if you’ve seen the series and know who Spike and Jet are.
Point is, it’s a series that rewards perseverance.
Just like Evangelion. God…
Alternate ending:
“I know what love is.
A boy loves his dog.”
He also wrote a sequel to “The Three Musketeers” called “Ten Years After.”
Ten Years After played at Woodstock. You know what else has a wood stock?
A musket.
Connect the dots, people. The man was truly The Count of Monte Criswell.
I was behind an older woman at the Dollar Store today who said she tried three times but couldn’t find the Saltines down that aisle. After she bought her stuff the clerk asked her to wait while she took a look.
So the woman pulled a box of Fiddle-Faddle out of her bag, opened it up, and stood there eating in the store.
“Professional son-in-law Jared Kushner has pulled his dead-eyed Dennis The Menace act once again...”
Shouldn’t that read “Professional daughter-in-law Jared Kushner has pulled her dead-eyed Cathy act once again?”
I think I stopped in 2005 after Moriarity, my favorite writer left.
Harry’s obviously sponsored gushing over “Van Helsing” (see the AV Club on “Her” and Dawes) was ridiculous.
Every one made fun of him for loving “Armegeddon” so much, as I remember.
AICN got most of its mileage out of being one of the first movie loving…
Met him and Marv Wolfman at a WorldCon many years back. A really cool guy.
And a helluva comic creator with a huge legacy. R.I.P. Mr. Wein. Thank you for all those great hours of reading and inspiration.
Well, I’d much rather read this than the umpteenth paid advertisement masquerading as another Game of Thrones article.
Heel n. 1 A sneak-thief; the lowest type of petty criminal.
2 A low-grade pitchman; a shill
3 A contemptible, despicable scoundrel of a man; a bounder, rotter, or cad; a man who lacks gentlemanly feelings and will take advantage of attractive females and double-cross his friends
4 An escape from prison or the scene of a…
I have an old Alcatel. It’s got a keyboard, a flashlight, it tells me what time it is, and occasionally I can call people if I really have to. Pretty much all I need.
I used to have an iPhone. The only way to get it to turn off was by smashing it against the corner of a concrete step again and again. You can imagine…