The Clown Under Your Bed

AV Club: also filled with intelligent people who are not going to lose their job if they point out those grammatical errors.

I have higher expectations of kindergarten art hanging on a refrigerator than of the current President of the United States.

Okay, I’m 110% Democratic, but I’d be tempted to vote for a smoking jacket wearing watermelon just because that image makes me laugh so much.
But then I’d come to my senses long before I voted, and I’d vote for the intelligent human being instead.

Because an angry fringe wing of the party started screaming that putting pineapple on a pizza was cultural appropriation, and they had to bend over backwards to accommodate them.

Obama raised us up after Dick Cheney fucked America’s image all over the world. Most of the world wants America to be a good country. If we get another Democratic president, they’ll cut us some slack.

I have to disagree. He will continue to damage this country until he’s either incapacitated, dead, or impeached.
While I pray every day for a massive stroke to leave him speechlessly drooling in front of a television constantly telling him what a terrible human being he is, I think whatever removes him from office

I’ve been in a Whole Foods store, thank you, and hope to never repeat the experience. I have to put up with far too many smug, privileged rich people in my everyday life.

The other clown guy.
Have I ever told you how much I love your user name, Chancellor Puddinghead? ‘cause I do.

I’d love to go, but it’s in Texas, and that place scares me.

If they ever got together I’m sure they could bond by sharing personal methods for getting out of having sex with their suga-husbands.

I just created an account with the same name. Will that keep my accounts from merging?