Groovy Chainsaw

I really like the bit after the Jennifer Tilly character is granted sole custody of her kids (and more $ in child support ) and Carrey goes off on the judge. The judge is offended and warns that he will hold him in contempt. In self loathing Carrey roars out " I HOLD MYSELF IN CONTEMPT !" … that scene actually chokes

I havent seen the ratings but Ive got a feeling that unlress this show really starts clicking they'll be lucky to have 3 more eps.

Again this week Wendy was unlikeable and forgettable. You need an actress who is either at least cute or maybe older to play a character this bitchy and make it work. Think of Aubrey Plaza on Parks & Rec, Rhea Perlman on Cheers or either of the female bailiffs on Night Court. I know this is a different show given

It's actually rated R … maybe they can get away with the more colorful ( for DC superheroes ) aspects of Constantine's life.

You're on the nose about about the comics version of Snapper Carr. It's kind of a waste to use the name for a character who is nothing like the comics incarnation — although they explained it away when Kara observed after being on the short end of his bad temper and impatience " I can see why they call him Snapper !"

Hey, It's pronounced "Ah-ned-ers" !

I liked the low budget, B-movie feel of the original but the remake works too — why isn't Tim Olyphant a bigger star ?

Yeah, part of the trend of remakes ( or sometimes sequels ) in name only. 2005 House Of Wax ( starring Paris Hilton — 'nuff said ? ) is awful

My favorite moment is more low-key. The scene in the little boy's classroom where every student's fingerpaint project is identical … except his. Kindergarden paranoia !

The only thing I like about the Burton version is the joke about Wonka-as-a-boy running away from home to travel the world. This is demonstrated in a "flags of all nations" montage that ends with a quick cut to a uniformed man sternly saying " Young man, The Flag Museum is closing - You'll have to go home now !"

I think Eleanor is the network TV version of a "bad" person. There's no better illustration of this than that when she's introduced to her "soul mate" she doesn't even blink at the fact that he's black.

The scene when Max busts on Miss Cross's date ( who is a doctor )

Terrible, yeah, but always good for a laugh when this line comes up

Didn't he also teach Li'l Michael Jackson to Moonwalk ?

I was definitely looking for some Yellow Cab Fiery Crash stock footage.

The initial gaffe showed that ( for whatever reason ) Lil' Trump's " You can't tell me what to do !" nature would require a sort of reverse psychology. I'd have loved to see Sam/cab driver say something like "Say, You look like a sharp kid … but not very tough. Yeah, You'd never make it as an MMA fighter !"

After Colbert and Bakula leapt out of there I was hoping for footage of a yellow cab getting into a fiery wreck.

C'mon AV Club — not to be ageist but did you have to use a picture that looks like it was taken last week ? How about a triptych composed of Classic Millie, then Grandma Yetta ( who most of the millenials seem to know her as but came as news to me ) and then a more recent shot.

And regardless of any of the problems that this show has, taking Grant Gustin out of the equation would take a serious chunk out of the show's charm quotient, Tom Cavanaugh and Jesse West can only do so much.

-Wells from the "Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew-verse" A giraffe or a ferret … what you think ?