
Even if Google's car eliminates all user error from roadways, thousands more people will still die on roads than will be killed while riding a bus, train or other forms of public transportation.

One secret of city pot hole repairs, that many people don't understand, is you have to report them. The city doesn't magically know where all the potholes are, or have a clear prioritization plan if they are rampant. They certainly won't know where the really serious ones are that require immediate attention. Most

The better alternative would have been going with the old model of game console pricing and selling it at a loss to force the company's vision and gain a stronghold. Not counting Nintendo, that's been SOP for decades in game consoles, and it's something Sony managed to do surprisingly well with with the PS3 and

So what? People are superficial. Shit like that happens all the time. You don't think short guys have it tough, too?

You think that's bad? Wait until you see the crazy shit they actually let people take on board!

First time in my life as a Kansan that the Wizard of Oz wasn't on a list like this.

In nap times, that's a coma! :)

Thank you sir.

What most of the anti-Zimmerman commenters are ignoring is that things look very different when you're on a jury in a court of law, exposed to all of the evidence clearly and accurately instead of reading BS on blogs and news articles, and making your decision in an atmosphere in which the pressure to think