
I have never...attempted to gain a competitive advantage.

9/11 essentially ended hijacking for two reasons:

How about just no TSA and go back to what it was before with just metal detectors. Why do we need the TSA? What have they done for us?

Dude can’t get a job.
Has zero leverage.

The only team that can sign Colin Kaepernick is your New England Patriots.

If Bobby K wants to protest injustice in the United States by visiting Meek Mill in prison, then he can certainly give Kaep a job.

BB should bring him in and just talk football to the kid.
Let the guy sit, kneel or stand.
Brady won’t last forever.

Dorn was a better fielder.

Amazingly, I suspect that ARod would be better as an owner, too.

The more I read this, it’s like if Rachel Phelps (Loria) had been successful in getting hundreds of millions out of her ballclub and then sold it to a former player who was left holding all of the baggage.

Of the 7,003 people at that game last night, roughly 7,000 were Mets fans.

Jeter contests that they’re definitely Virgin Islands, since he’s never given them a gift basket.

It’s not a shock that Jeter’s showing even less range as an owner than Loria did.

Lewis’ words cut so deep he’ll have to throw away another suit.

Hot take- in a reasonable world Ray Lewis would keep his mouth shut when it came to issues of morality and comportment.

I use that same excuse when I run my bike up to 14K, just good preventative maintenance!

This is a bad take.

I’d pay a grand for the 787B for a day.

Yeah.... that’s literally how memes work.

This one is still my favorite.

Has it seriously been long enough that we have to explain American Chopper arguments now? I’m 21, I’m not supposed to fell old yet!