
It’s not being delivered by commentators, or labeled as an editorial. It’s being read by local news anchors and not differentiated from the news content. It also takes away time that can be spent covering local issues. In any proper news operation, the publishers, or station owners, dictate editorial positions and

Sinclair owns WRGB-6 in Schenectady, one of the oldest networks in the country. While I prefer the news on WNYT, an NBC affiliate, on days that it was not possible to watch the news at 11, usually due to the NFL, I would turn to WRGB. I will not, not now, not in the future, watch news on WRGB until Sinclair sells that

I’ve been reading about Sinclair’s “segments” since last year, and I was always under the impression that they’d be pre-packaged segments that the local affiliates would cut away to for a few minutes. While that would still be bullshit, but I would hope that the average viewers would be able to parse out the

See, it was my understanding that if a gun mimics a weapon that was banned by name, then it too should be banned. But, I’ve only read the official document, which is of course, legalese. From what I can gather from it, it flat out says that if you own one of these now banned firearms, that’s preban, then it doesn’t

Lots of people here are mad at her office for closing the assault weapons ban loopholes. Maybe that’s it?

That is possible, but not likely. Independent used car dealers get their cars on trade, or more often, at auction. And that still doesn’t explain the connection between faulty vehicles and the predatory loans. Missing that dot to connect, how is it the bank’s responsibility to ensure a dealer isn’t selling lemons?

Is the idea that the dealers were selling defective vehicles, buyers were refusing to make payments on said defective vehicles, leading to those vehicles being repossessed? This seems to be a separate issue from your standard predatory subprime lending practices, and the two things are being mingled.

I’m almost 50 and these things have been around since my youth and we all knew what they were for (as kids we used to jump up and down on them to try and screw up the numbers, which I highly doubt worked).

And that attitude gets classic race tracks like Lime Rock shut down or run under very restrictive conditions. If they are gone, what’s the point? To have more quiet Camry filled suburbs? Bleh, give me a loud sunday once a month and an exciting place to take my kid.

The two minute limit should be an actual limit. If you can’t tell what the hell happened after two solid minutes of looking at slow-mo replays, the call on the field stands and life goes on.

There’s a guy who drives around Moab in a Crown Vic, doesn’t mean it was designed for it.

Not even closely a competitor to the Wrangler. I don’t care if the tops “come off” of both.

It doesn’t, and it’s not. It’s a crossover.

take that crosscabriolet rock crawling and sand dune-ing and get back with me. actually make a youtube video of it, will probably be a hit.


I think we’d all be better off if this car would kindly continue to NOT exist.

Wait, so you say it’s impossible to make, which means Musk won’t make the milestones, which means he won’t get the pay, which means the company will have more money to give to shareholders.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

If this happens anywhere but in the net youd be correct. Once Conacher laid on the guy in the net it becomes Rask’s issue. Its his net.

It’s not low-percentage. There is no left infielder. The hardest part about bunting is getting it into that sweet spot where the catcher, pitcher and thirdbaseman have trouble getting to the baseball. Now you just have to bunt it hard and it’s up to the pitcher and left fielder.