
Automotive heat exchanger engineer rant:

At some point while following MMA, I started seeing just how podunk and shoestring virtually all athletic commissions are. I would compare them to mafias running shakedowns for protection money, but if they were run by 2 or 3 bad guys who washed out of Dukes of Hazzard. Most are ignorant and disinterested at best, and

Hi Kristen, here is a picture of the Cadillac Halo Car

It’s pretty convenient how the cash supplier, Bombay’s boss, had the last name Ducksworth. It’s easy to imagine how much better the movie could have been had the boss’s name been Gerald Ballsacsworth.

Baloney. It’s a great movie with an utterly unsympathetic protagonist.

There would have been piss by every car.

I’m far more disturbed to learn that one of my childhood heroes is the kind of person who pulls his pants down all the way below his ass to piss than I was to learn he got charged with DUI and Indecent Exposure.

On the bright side, he’s been named an honorary member of the official Buffalo Bills Tailgate Team.

Fuck this constant anti-Uber rhetoric. Usually I don’t bother to comment but this is quite ridiculous. Yes, someone died. That is unfortunate, and steps should be taken to prevent that but this is progress in the real world. You make it seem like that never happens in other industries: aerospace, rail, construction...

I also played minor league baseball. It was a dream come true. It was not a job. It was a brief moment in time, an investment of time in hopes of making it to the major leagues. I had dozens of friends who would have gladly taken my place for half the pay. This story is ridiculous. It’s another example of the

I played minor league baseball for a few years back when god was a corporal and I used to make more money in the offseason but I never bitched about it, it was just part of the deal. It was like life - if you want to make more $$, don’t suck.

It wasn’t really that hard to look it up. Per wikipedia (left links intact):

Highlighter yellow. Argument over.

How was there even a discussion about this?!?

You’re telling me that a bill that was hastily put together in a matter of weeks to re-write the US Tax Code has errors and unintended consequences?

I mean... that’s how “heavyweight” works.

He should sue for recision based on lack of capacity. Taking out a loan at 8% to buy a PSL proves he has no business being involved in any financial transaction.

He looked on, knowing full well that a long night of flagellation lay ahead.

The fact that your reply is itself nonsensical grammatically makes me very happy